Kings of Gatekeeping: Del Bigtree, Alex Jones, David Icke, Joe Rogan, Robert W. Malone, Sherri Tenpenny, to name but a few!

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8Liked by dpl

There is no such thing as a "sexually transmitted disease."

When the body becomes so toxic, it goes into one or more of several detox modes.

Discharging toxins through the skin is one method. A "cold sore" is an example of this. Of course these can look different in different people and depending on different types of toxins. "Emotions" don't cause herpes outbreaks, that is an outlandish suggestion that is NOT backed by any observable real world evidence or experiments.

For each particular skin legion, a name can be given, such as "monkeypox" for example, or "herpes."

Every generation, we can see new versions of this detox as new toxins are introduced into the environment and consumed by stupid apes (aka the public).

"Poppers" in the late 70s and 80s is a perfect example of this. It led to new "lesions" which were eventually were labeled as "AIDS" and blamed on a non-existent virus that they called "HIV," which nobody in the world has ever seen.

The body uses the skin essentially as a third kidney. The orifices are sometimes used as one or more of these waste dumps.

Sometimes, one partner in a relationship can "catch" a genital disease while the other doesn't.

This is because the toxic discharge is not contagious.

However, it is also common to have both partners discharging in a similar fashion.

People who are in a relationship are often participating in the same lifestyle, eating the same narcotic foods and making the same unhealthy choices, and therefore are consuming and are exposed to the same toxins at the same frequency, creating the illusion of contagion. But you don't have to be in a relationship to experience this, you could just be a weekend warrior or have a one night stand and experience it as well.

Furthermore, when one partner is discharging from the skin there will be a high concentration of bacteria and/or fungus feeding upon the dead and damaged tissue.

These microbes are themselves discharging toxic waste.

Therefore if one were to have sex with a discharging/detoxing person, the genital skin of the healthy person can become quite irritated by the friction with the microbial waste in their partner's genital area and develop a temporary rash or "pox," which creates another illusion of contagion.

Furthermore still, the medication that is prescribed for these "conditions" is itself toxic and designed to suppress the pain of the detox process, which also stops the toxins from being discharged, further increasing the body's toxic load.

This guarantees more detox events in the future, perpetuating the process indefinitely which itself creates another illusion of chronic disease, of a seemingly sexual nature.

There is also the phenomena of recurring channel detox.

When the body establishes an open detox channel from a particular area, it can leave that channel open over long periods of time, perhaps for life, and as long as we keep poisoning ourselves it will keep outflowing from that spot.

If this happens in the genital area it is mistaken as an infectious chronic genital disease by mainstream medicine.

It's also important to acknowledge how bias human beings are to remembering things in a way which absolves them of accountability and/or in a way which reinforces previously held beliefs and education. So they will often ignore and/or disregard the uncomfortable evidence which implicates their poor choices, and instead choose to cling to "external" causes that absolve them of all personal responsibility.

We hear lots of anecdotes about people "catching" an STD after sex when in fact it is likely the symptoms were beginning to emerge already (due to toxic lifestyle choices) though by chance the healing event didn't peak until soon after a sexual exchange and so the sexual encounter is blamed.

This kind of biased interpretation of past events is equally responsible for the illusion of contagious flu and cold, etc, symptoms emerging after an encounter with a person or group of people.

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Your term is "gatekeepers" for what I call "enablers," because they don't wield any power and are most likely intimidated, although some of them are also rewarded.

It is a problem that there is no way of telling them from useful idiots (or the troll who has taken over much of this comment session with nonsense).

It's also quite remarkable that many of these undesirables are turned into folk heroes for opposing the official narrative, while all they do is imply lies, employ limited hangouts, and send their audience fishing for red herrings.

The whole operation becomes even fishier, when they stop at legalities, while there are no legal solutions, or keep posting microscopic images without the slightest inclination to research further.

To me, it looks like, apart from conjuring up imaginary "communities" by using the personal pronoun "we," gaslighting by compartmentalization is the main tool:


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Mar 6Liked by dpl

Thanks for introducing us to Robin. Another interesting person discussing poisonous vitamins I recently came across is Substack author "Agent 131711".

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Mar 7Liked by dpl

I watched the Kaufmann vs Mikovits vid. Judy looks uncomfortable and Andrew is calm and keeps asking for a Specific Method or Specific Paper by Mikovits explaining her analyses. She Dodges the question and attacks him. You guys nailed it in the audio @ ~ 11:00.


------------------------ (33 mins) --https://odysee.com/@dpl003:6/Special_Event_Roundtable_with_Dr._Judy_Mikovits_discussing_the_magic_virus_and_mRNA_vaccines-RumbleEmbed-vai5uj-mp4-480p-sub-1260.0-3240.0:d

1) 2:00 Watch Kaufmann ask her questions. She never isolated hiv in 1983, as she claims.

2) Kaufmann: 16:20. Long response to Judy monologue

3) Kaufmann: 22:20. 2nd response

4) Judy: 23:00-31:00. Here she shows her Personality.

Kaufmann appears more calm and collected to me. I think his position is more tenable.

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If viruses are imaginary... what is herpes and how is it transmitted?

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I know Icke has his issues and what I see presented as the opening discussion on gatekeepers are regarding those pushing the virus narrative / gain of fiction etc … yet David presented early 2020 and in subsequent books and continues to present that there is no virus… he definitely achieved a lot in the UK pushing back against the insane things implemented over here

it seems like the issues had with Icke (related to his sources?) could be split into a separate discussion rather than mixing the two together.

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The US Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Center on Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) created an internal “Disinformation Primer” that revealed the agency’s explicit praise for private sector censorship strategies and proposed additional censorship practices and techniques.

USAID’s censorship proposals were aimed at influencing private sector technology companies, media organizations, education ministries, national governments and funding bodies.

USAID endorsed “Advertiser Outreach” for the purpose of getting corporate advertisers to financially throttle disfavored media sources and social media accounts.

USAID recommended Google’s Redirect Method and “prebunking” (i.e., psychological inoculation) as potential solutions to stop the erosion of traditional media influence over citizen hearts and minds.

USAID proposed targeting gamers and gaming sites, pushing the need to censor their formation of “interpretations of the world that differ from ‘mainstream’ sources” and interrupting the process by which “individuals contribute their own ‘research'” to collectively form their own “populist expertise.”

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Hoping you do a deep dive (or someone does) on what happened to Lara Logan. Not the same person as two years ago. Looks and acts like a clone/AI version. Scary black painted eyebrows and fake cheekbones and fake in your face boob job. That is not the Indy journalist who made a name for herself precovid- something feels very off and very dark-maybe Omar knows?

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I wonder if the reason why they have found no efficacy in Homeopathic treatments is because they can the deny that very small amounts of substances have no effect on a living organism?

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Amazing Polly exposes a bunch of gate-keeping, enabling, toxin-pushing "health and freedom" influencers: https://x.com/ProudandFree/status/1765477377772306717?s=20

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