Jun 22Liked by Mia Breeze, dpl, Jamie Andrews

Great going Jamie et al! I can see the virus mafia is already out trying to make a mess out of this work. They don't actually have to win an argument, they just need to plant enough subterfuge and confusion to leave the lingering thought in the masses and even many on the fence that these studies don't disprove viruses or germs.

👉It is best NOT to engage with them because an argument is exactly what they want.

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Jun 22Author

Thanks PM and well noted.

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Jun 22Liked by dpl

Do you have an overview of what it costs and how long it will take. Wild support with a few dollars or dollars

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I could tell you how much specific materials cost but it is a difficult question to answer for a couple of reasons:

1. The number of controls we *could* run is almost endless with variations of all materials in EVERY area, the more controls we do the greater the strength of the results.

2. We are looking ultimately to put a private lab together because alot of the controls especially with PCR we aren't able to do with CROs.. but most importantly.. we know that even if we proved categorically every part of this scam they would just tweak one small variable and claim it has changed. Just like with Vaccines, they get found out they harm, they pull them from the market and re release them. They will just do that with the next virus, change cell line or some small part to the methodology. We want to be setup so that we can immediately rebut and prove their information wrong when they try it again.

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Jun 23Liked by Mia Breeze, dpl, Jamie Andrews

I may be wrong, but in the short future, they will stop looking for CPE as proof for unicorns after all this non-stop "fighting" the No Virus has done for the last 4 years, together with the work done before by another great group of courageous, brillant minds.They once looked only for RT activity as proof of "retro viruses,"  until it was too obvious. Wet lab work for this " research " will only be used on rare occasions, and they will just declare and let AI (whatever AI means) and gene software code assemblers make the claims and reset the myth. So virtual simulations seem to be the only way to keep virology "alive." Congratulations on the results obtained and the effort your group put into this tremendous work. Thanks, Jamie. There can be more to be done to avoid some criticism, but you did it, and they know that.I wish the best for you and your team.   

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Hi Misha, yes I agree they are pushing the entire fraud into Genetics. Once they get it inside their computers, there is no bounds to the fantasy claims they can make.

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Great work, guv'na! Elixir!!

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With time, there is a plan for it. So if there are sequences in the soup, you have an explanation of what DNA is found. Since there are all the pieces in the soup what do floor plans look like. I've asked before, but either you don't understand what I'm saying or you don't want to like Tom. And aNdi.

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I think you would need to look at whether DNA even exists before going into the more complex and less "real" evidence if transcriptomics.

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I know what it is and what it is not, I ask how these so-called experts really think this is effective and how it should work

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Just ask them to show you an experiment that satisfies Koch's postulates. There are four of them they haven't shown that they can satisfy one.

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Jun 22Liked by Mia Breeze, dpl, Jamie Andrews

I donated to keep this work going, and will continue to donate because this issue needs to be dealt with. I love how Steve Kirsch wants to turn what should be part of the scientific process into a multi-million dollar bet, essentially admitting that the genetic soup from control experiments has never been sequenced.

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Jun 22Author

Thanks a million Sean and agreed, I also think this work is important.

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Thank you very much for your kind donation Sean. Much Appreciated

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Jun 22·edited Jun 23Liked by Mia Breeze, dpl, Jamie Andrews

To add something on ATCC, they claim to have about 15 "purified viruses". I randomly chose the Rhinovirus isolate papers to examine and thru the smoke and mirrors of having to look thru onion layers of prior papers it became clear that none of them purified a virus. So this is one of the dirty tricks they play with their claims and ATCCC is part of it (and it's side kick BEI resources-a large biotech that sells "viral isolates" who admitted to me none of them are purified viruses, which is conveniently located in VA right near a 3 letter buddy).


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Jun 22Liked by Mia Breeze, dpl, Jamie Andrews

Some virus pushers are really hopelessly out of touch.

They should at least take note of the fact that the available results cast not just minor, but considerable doubt on the virus hypothesis by CPE. If the same results with and without a patient sample cannot be unequivocally denied, the burden of proof is sufficient to at least cast doubt on all existing results. And with this amount of doubt, one can and must never justify even the slightest of all interventions during plndmc.

If only one of these people were wrongly on trial, they would definitely claim the lack of evidence in favour of their acquittal.

But out of greed, vanity or ignorance, they throw it all overboard. How low can you sink? The answer: this low. Virology is so dead.

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Jun 23Liked by Mia Breeze, dpl, Jamie Andrews

DPL, Disseminating Profound Learning in your own inimitable style, yet again!! Loved this piece!! Late to the party, apologies!! Been busy fighting Team "Virus" on the Substack frontlines! The intellectually bankrupt CPE fraud viroliegists employ to 'prove' their position is one of my chief points of attack!

I get the fraud, but it is a thing of beauty to see it so meticulously explained. It put more than a few more arrows in my quiver! My next siege of Viroliegy now has Ballista and Catapulta!!

Thanks be to DPL and Jamie/Interview host for this essential work!! I just posted the link to this fine work on Meryl Nass's Sub, a key superspreader of the Germ TheoryPsyOp!

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Jun 25Liked by Mia Breeze, dpl

Fact man, which article did you toss this little nugget into on Nass's stack? I'd like to see what kind of nibbles you got.

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Jun 25Liked by Mia Breeze, dpl

Hello, I don't archive Meryls blogs. She's a prolific superspreader of germ theory BS via a poop Substack Gatlin gun. I don't wanna clog my archive with such contanimation. However, if you can wait til the weekend will sift through the quagmire of Meryls GT posts. Its there but dont expect much love from her followers. Occasionally, Team No Virus tops the likes billboards on her Blob. Subscribe and join me on the frontlines.

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Jun 25Liked by Mia Breeze, dpl

Ha! Don't trouble yourself. I'll probably get a headache trying to sift out the manure. Chumming those waters can be vexing, even for those of us who have formed the hard bark.

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Jun 25Liked by dpl


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Jun 25Liked by dpl


Fuk me! Finding it the first time shit faced in a dark taxi on a pot holed road home was the first miracle. The second one, was finding it again!

Some days Team No Virus tops the likes billboard on Meryl's Blob - LOL! On a recent Meryl Convid Newsletter in pole position was Joel: " Anyone still believing this Birdy Flu Bollocks is a Fucking Moron!"

I was second with part 2 in my Beaking News series:

Beaking New!! Worst fears realized! The bird flu that fled the nest to take flight through dog populations globally, now dubbed “AVI=BARK 21,” has mutated further to leave the kennel and take a walkies through human populations.

Top dog at China’s Canine Avian Disease Control, Dr. Woo-f-ang Falcon, has confirmed ground zero to be a corner shop in the sleepy French town of Dormir-Plume-Chien-Bois, nestled in the iconic Whine region of Birdgogne. This area is renowned the world over for its Cabernet Sauvig-nest, Beakaujolais, Pigeonot Noir, and Zinfandeagle varietals.

Mr. Fei Lang, a 33-year-old from Woo-f-han, China and his French wife Chiennette- Roitelet were honeymooning there when Fei Lang fell ill after drinking a bottle of Avian mineral water from local shop “Le Chien Plume.” He was con-furmed to be positive for the new variant, christened H1K9-Sapiens by (P)ug (C)row (R)etriever at 92 cycle fetc-hold.

When a reporter from the Beakzos owned New Yap Times insisted on evidence for the starling claim that AVI-BARK 21 had leapt species barriers to humans, Dr. Woo-f-ang deftly referenced the initial sequencing of the Avian water bottle, Fei Lang had lapped up. De Novahawk sequencing revealed evidence of a man-made Gain of Fiction lab-rador leak. Inside the bottle of Avian, on a tiny slither of paper, waterproofed by lamination with the thinnest plastic film ever seen, a new genome was printed.

Next-Gen Terrier sequencing feather con-furmed the man-made nature of this hybrid bug. The plastic traced back to a factory in Dogodz, Poland, the paper sourced from a mill in H-owl-inna, Finland, and the genome was invented with the aid of software from Microsoft Offsprey 365 - the only place where all members of the health freedom movement can unanimously agree that viruses truly exist in pure, rabid, self-replicating Gain of Fido form. An Epsowl printer physically imprinted the genome.

Experts from the Whippet Hound Organization advise consulting with healthcare professionals for anyone exhibiting unusual signs. Mild symptoms of H1K9-Sapien include:

Head Beat-Bobbing: Moving heads back and forth in a quick, rhythmic manner like chickens, when listening to music on (M) utt (P) eck 3 players.

Fetching Frenzy: Fetching this and that for the missus as she howls out incessant errands, disturbing comfy perch time on sofas for husbands about to enjoy the footy on TV. Many consider this to be a terminal case of long H1K9-Sapiens.

Beak discounts: Pecking the price tags off expensive brand items in a bid to leave exclusive stores with premium products for free.

Paws for thought: Compulsive scratching behind ears with hands, often in mid-conversation.

Slobber sickness: Involuntarily drooling at the sight and smell of food, booze, and super cars.

Long H1K9-Sapiens is far more serious and has resulted in relationship difficulties, and sadly sometimes injury and even death. Disturbing signs include:

Sniff and Greet Syndrome: Greeting friends and strangers alike by enthusiastically sniffing their hands or, more embarrassingly, their behinds.

Guard Dog Glare: Staring down and growling in a menacing manner, anyone who comes near partner.

Avian Ballet: the coordinated movements of people in bus/train queues, changing positions rapidly in line, mimicking the flocking behaviours of birds in flight. Fights can break out when buses and trains pull in as passengers dispute their original place in the queue.

80‘s Style Plume Perms: Frequent trips to expensive hair salons to get perms shaped like chicken crests.

V-FORMATION DRIVES: Car owners of the same make and model have been observed driving in V-formation down busy transport arteries, shouting up at migratory geese to slow down. Motorway pile ups have become the norm. In addition, reports have been flying into police stations about vehicles driving off cliffs in a desperate bid to follow migratory birds.

Perhaps the most disturbing sign of Long H1K9-Sapiens is:

Male Mating Madness: Women across the globe have taken to Twitter to voice their concerns about bizarre new behaviours from their partners during intimate moments. Prior to the most intimate act, men are reportedly engaging in elaborate mating dances, hopping and spinning around in circles in a futile attempt to impress. Female frustrations are further exacerbated by their partners’ insistence on doggy style exclusively.

While some women might tolerate these peculiarities, many are disturbed by their partners flapping of arms, chicken wing style during the act, with everything concluding in just over 2 and a half flaps. Adding to the surreal experience, rumours have flocked to Twitter of men howling like wolves at the peak of climax, followed by crazed cock-a-doodle-doos. The spectacle ends with them lying on their backs, limbs splayed, and demanding belly rubs for comfort.

This bizarre hybrid virus, blending avian and canine traits, poses unprecedented challenges as it spreads across species boundaries, leaving health officials and researchers, scrambling to understand its implications.

So, ladies and gentlemen, keep those tails wagging and noses twitching for all the latest pup-dates. And remember, try not to get in a flap, when all around are barking mad! From all the pack at Canine News Network, have an awesome evening and stay paws-itive!

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Jun 23Liked by Mia Breeze, dpl, Jamie Andrews

Thanks a lot for this update! Cross-posted because it is vitally important to our argument. Best wishes and more power to all the elbows! xx

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Jun 23Author

Thanks Frances,

I appreciate the support. We'll keep on keeping on.

BTW: I'm enjoying your podcast with Jerm.

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Jun 23Liked by dpl, Jamie Andrews

Jerm has a terrific editor who made the interview seem so seamless. Have you thought about raising the issue of ending virology with him? He has quite a reach which is worth taking advantage of.... apparently there have been more than 12,000 downloads of my interview from his website alone.

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Jun 23Author

That's great! I'll see what I can do. It would be great to get the word out there.

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Jun 23Liked by Mia Breeze, dpl

It wouldn't surprise me at all if you bought some 'virus titers' and they produced faster/different CPE than the negative controls. Because who knows what the hell is in those so-called 'virus titers'? They might have all sorts of cytotoxic crap in them which will kill the cells and produce faster/different CPE or whatever. If you get enough money, maybe you could you could consider doing some HPLC mass spectroscopy analysis of the 'virus titers'. And find out what substances are actually contained in the damn things. That being said, excellent work guys. I will be donating.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by dpl

Interesting idea but because of the mix of millions of things in them the utility is poor even with spect as that doesnt tell you the exact organic molecules inside, and if inorganic is mixed, still doesn't tell you what did what. You could try to purifiy and find a virus but since there are no viruses found to date, seems waste of time and $. Just ask the companies if they used purified viruses and they will always say no, and if they say yes, ask for the methods in the specs that prove that. You'll end up at the start of a mess...

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Jun 23Liked by dpl

Oh, I see. I didn't know that. But, in the end, I don't suppose it really matters if we know what's in their 'witches brew' or not, as the 'virologists' seem to be putting all their eggs in the 'genomics' basket anyway. So if Jamie's team can eventually sequence/assemble a viral genome from something that could not possibly contain any 'viruses', then that should throw a big spanner in the virologists works. That nasty virologist creature 'sense-strand' actually Tweeted that: "If Jamie's mistreated cells produce a genome that resembles a novel virus, virology is falsified." So, come on Jamie's team, we're all supporting you. Let's shut virology down for good.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Mia Breeze, dpl, Jamie Andrews

Mike, they don't actually assemble an entire genome, THEY SAY they get primers and software makes a consensus (guess) genome (an alphabet sequence with a fake name). Jamie may not be able to find the same consensus genome if he doesn't use the same software with the same settings-so in a non-patient sample he can fall into a trap (I think this has happened to others already testing patient samples, sorry no ref). You can reverse engineer the primer sequences to see what they fit with in a BLAST analysis of known sequences in GenBank etc. and find they fit with dozens of different registered organisms. Once you know that, you've proven the fraud. Kapisch?

THE TRUTH, however, is that the software is just printing out anything you program it to make. Say a lego box makes a spaceship from 1000 legos and then you find 10 of them (primers) in a legoland and your PC says they are part of the spaceship. But those 10 primer legos can fit with a million different objects. You found what you made by circular nonsense. That is the level of the circus-world we are dealing with. Virology is nonsense fraud, rip it all out of your head, take a cold shower, and you will see the light.

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Jun 24Liked by dpl

Wow. That's something else I didn't know. Thank you for the explanation. It's just absolutely evil, isn't it. Pure evil nonsense. The whole of virology. I just hope that Jamie's experiments can shut the whole thing down. I really do.

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Jun 23Liked by Mia Breeze, dpl

It is impossible to prove something doesn't exist. You can prove that it does and so far that hasn't happened with viruses. But since there are so many of them all over the place you would think we could get a look at them.


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True, but you can prove something doesn't exist in a specified space.

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Jun 23Liked by Mia Breeze

Thank you sir

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shoving a needle into a cell is like a crowbar stabbing a human being

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A professional voice over would make this data more understandable. All the errs, umms and sort-ofs are distracting.

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Jun 23Author


Thanks for the advice. We'll definitely try and improve but please keep in mind that we've always had a small team with limited resources.

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A pin prick through the heart of a lie will kill it!! Keep up the VITAL work!! We need you!!

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Working on the slick delivery !

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COV-2 Vaxxed Biology Programmable via DNA Nanoantennas, Luciferase and 5G https://talknet.substack.com/p/cov-2-vaxxed-biology-programmable

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