Thank you. I came across the Perth group's Aids work in the late 90s and I never believed in the existence of "HIV". Now we know viruses are all made up inventions, every last one of them.

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Thanks, DPL, for all your work. Eleni was definitely the first to unlock THE door, the very first step against THE fraud. And always in a scientific and polite way. An example to follow.Let me share this one:


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Thanks for the link Misha,

I will add this to the article.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by dpl

Scobey was trying to expose the fraud of the 'polio virus' back in the 1940s and 50s, so this did not all start with the 'HIV' era... If you have not looked further back to Polio, it is a huge part of this 'virus' story and you could say it was key to trapping us in this horrible fraudulent paradigm. Short version, Polio is nerve damage caused by nerve poisons in pesticides (DDT in late 1800s-1950s+) and then other pesticides and vaccines. Some scientists (like Scobey) suspected the nerve poisons were causing the nerve damage (imagine that) but this was the time where the 'virus' fraud cult was forming and the 'virus' explanation won out (leading to the horrible Salk 'Polio virus' vaccine, which was Eisenhower's Warp Speed debacle).

Polio paralysis today has been renamed to things like Guillain-Barre, transverse myelitis, acute flaccid paralysis, Bells Palsy, etc (which are all 'accepted' effects of current vaccines) to hide the fact that Polio still exists and to protect the idea that the Polio vaccine was successful in 'eradicating' the 'Polio virus.'

You're doing great detailed research with this issue. I just wanted to point out that this fight was going on long before 'HIV,' and that it might be illuminating to extend your scope further back in the past.

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Thank you for your comment Tom. This is great info!

What I am trying to focus on is the constant destruction of groups trying to expose the Virus Lie. I am sure something similar happened with Scobey although it will be a bit more difficult to find the finer details of how they silenced him.

We now have a great opportunity to study how this is done because people that were involved, like Val Turner, Anthony Brink and Rod Knoll is still alive and we can learn from them how these people infiltrated and destroyed the movement.

Anthony's website is very detailed in explaining this. I hope you've had a chance to check this out - www.tig.org.za

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by dpl

In the case of Polio, the ones with the most to lose were the petrochemical pesticide makers. If it got out that they were causing the nightmare of Polio epidemics with their 'miraculous' poisons ('DDT is good for meeeee!!') then they would have had a PR disaster on their hands (then again, even the Bhopal disaster didn't seem to stop them any). So anyway they gained a lot by scapegoating a fantasy 'virus' and of course the virology cultists got a reason to exist (along with the vaccine makers).

An interesting side note to this is Rachel Carson and Silent Spring (1962). She exposes a lot of horrible stuff about pesticides, both the older DDT (which had already lost effectiveness against insects and was not used as much by the early 1960s) and the newer replacements. She talked about harm to birds, insects, fish; cancer in humans, even hormone-mimicking effects of pesticides. But not Polio... I have read (cannot confirm) that her book was financed by Rockefeller. I have a lot of respect for Carson, but I wonder if she was not allowed to talk about Polio in the book. Sort of a limited hangout-- expose some of the evils of pesticides but leave Polio as a nightmare 'viral' disease to create the virus-vaccine racket of hysteria and poison vaccine cures? Because Rockefeller was not just the father of the oil industry, he was the father of the pharma-medical industry as well (which was an offshoot of the oil industry)... Even now, when most people think about Silent Spring they think about birds and that it 'got DDT banned.' But like I said, she even talks in the book about how DDT had already been phased out because insects had adapted to it, and most of the book is about later pesticides. Also, only part of it is about birds.

So today-- we have massive amounts of pesticides to deal with, lots of 'viruses' to fear, and massive numbers of poison vaccines going into kids from the moment of birth (or before, if you count vaccines the mothers are getting before the kids are born). So what effect did Silent Spring really have? It got DDT 'banned' finally in the 1970s (when it was already out of favor in the 1960s)? Certainly it didn't expose the reality of nerve poison pesticides, the real cause of Polio, or vaccines. Maybe Rockefeller made a good investment...

Anyway, I will check out this website and your links. I have not looked very deeply into the HIV stuff yet, but as you said, it is important to know how 'they' operate... I do know that fear and hysteria are the key components to this paradigm. I was only a young child during the Aids hysteria of the 80s and even then I was scared half to death of it.... It is really freeing once you finally realize this stuff is all nonsense and you are fearing phantoms! Of course, like with Polio, there was an actual cause for some people to become sick, but it had nothing to do with an 'infectious virus.' The 'virus' is often used as a cover story....

Somehow people need to learn this lesson and stop falling for it again and again... But with the censorship-propaganda regime clamping down so tightly now, it will become more and more difficult for uninformed people to ever learn any actual facts about what is going on (like we saw during 'covid').

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by dpl

Really interesting perspective on Carson. I lean towards her not being under the sway of Rockefeller, or a limited hangout for a couple of reasons. She may have been too close to the time of intense polio propaganda & not been able to see through it. I've noticed similar situations since then, one in particular in the case of Paul Patterson, a Caltech scientist who wrote a short book called "Infectious Behavior". Although he was conventional for the most part, his experiments showed the ability to induce schizophrenia or asd like symptoms in lab animals by injecting compounds that mimicked bacterial or viral infections. He basically proved Andrew Wakefield right. But in his book, released towards the end of the propaganda campaign to discredit Wakefield, he leaned toward viewing Wakefield as a fraud, such was the power of the press.

Another interesting observation gleaned from reading letters & correspondence from Carson, was that she very seriously considered treating her cancer with krebiozen, at the time an attacked, ridiculed & suppressed treatment. She carefully considered it, but was swayed to go mainstream. This again indicates to me, she leaned that way, but because of the power of propaganda was against her better instincts.

Rockefeller money was & is everywhere, just consider a book like Lily E Kays' The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, the Rockefeller Foundation, & The Rise Of The New Biology. It couldn't have been written without support of the Foundation which the author acknowledges in the book. And yet, what is it really but a subtle attack on the very ideology of the foundation & its backers.

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Interesting (and tragic) about Carson... I knew she got cancer, but not any details about it. It's sad that she went with the poison conventional 'treatment' but not surprising. The Virus-Vaccine industry somehow manages to terrify people over the sniffles, but a cancer diagnosis..... now that is a gut-wrenching, heart-stopping horror that has only been approached in virology by an HIV diagnosis. Even people who tend toward real health and avoiding Pharma can be led to go with the 'standard treatment' path out of shock and desperation (and / or medical insurance coverage).

I still remember vividly my dad getting his cancer diagnosis in 2009. And many of the tortures and horrors I saw him go through over the next two years (many poison chemo combinations, radiation poisoning, 'stem cell transplant'). Before he finally died with his body completely destroyed by all the poison and cancer. I have little positive to say about the oncologists, hospitals, or their 'treatments' or 'care.' That's putting it mildly.

The cancer industry is a level of evil beyond the virus-vaccine industry... But in some ways there are parallels-- massive fear, fraudulent tests that make healthy people think they are doomed (huge false-positive scandal in recent years), poisonous 'cures' that do no good (but are considered the only 'choice'). Truly, horrifically evil. If (despite avoiding chemicals, eating organic food, trying to live healthy) I end up getting cancer, I know I will have absolutely nothing to do with the medical industry's 'solutions.'

Are those letters from Carson you mentioned available online somewhere? I'd like to read some of them. I imagine the cancer situation wasn't much different for her than my dad 50 years later.

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I think there are more parallels than one would think between the cancer & virus industries. I too have little positives to say about the treatments, although my parent did not go through horrors like your father. The doctors did not push aggressive treatment because of age & comorbidities. Interestingly without the aggressive treatment my parent lived longer than expected. But yeah, all alt treatments that work (which is most of them) have been buried & suppressed.

I got the Carson info from the Library Of America edition of Silent Spring, released a few years back with a lot of supplementary material. It's worth buying, but there was no ebook version from memory.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by dpl

Also, here is a sort of compilation of Polio research and information, maybe some of it will be of use:


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Great interview. I love all of dpl’s work. I’ve been thinking a lot about dna and what it really is.

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Hi PhilH,

Did you check out the post that Jamie put together? There is a lot of detail on DNA there.

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Sorry, I’m not sure how to find that. Could you provide a link?

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Forgot the link in my previous comment. Here you go.


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I've been having frequent dreams of holding hands with Elini walking into the sunset while she whispers biology truths in my ear, and feeling deep love for this woman I've never met....💘

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Jan 1Author

She was a true legend. The legend of all legends! Not sure why everyone is so quiet about her... It boggles the mind

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Listening to the two guys in the above audio is an effort, what with all the stammering and self--correcting. Waiting for the punchline is time consuming. A written, concise piece would have been better. I simply didn't last long enought to listen all the way through.

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If you understood that a the interview is with someone recalling what happened almost a lifetime ago trying to explain to someone who know very little about this history then you'd be more patient with it. Also there is no easy way to explain the issue in written format. Anthony has mountains of written format in an attempt to detail what happened if you prefer writing format. Link is as follows https://dpl003.substack.com/p/debating-azt-by-anthony-brink

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Regardless, it was painful to listen too.

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If you have no interest on the subject why not rather take your leave? No one forced you to my substack and even less forced you to listen to it

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You need to be big enough to accept criticism if you are going to post things. I was interested, did try to listen, but found it tedious waiting for words to come out. Nobody forces me to do so your comments are very silly indeed.

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And you need to be big enough to accept criticism back if you're to short sighted to understand the issue. Anthony is very well spoken BUT like I've explained, this happened a lifetime ago. No one asked you to pay for this information and neither Anthony nor I get any money for this. We brought the information out so people can have it. Not so you can have a nice entertaining weekend show to pass your time. I cannot care in the least what you think of it because it is not about giving people a show but to get the information out there.

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Stop stamping your feet like a child. Your comments are incredibly childish. It was mewrerely a statement of fact that I found the interview was painful to listen to. Now look at how silly all your emotional comments are. You should just learn from the feedback instead of digging yourself a big hole and showing how defensive you are. Paying or not paying doesn't come into it. Honestly, I am amazed that you would showcase your defensiveness. If it were me, I would probably just post that audio last. Simple marketing. Currently, governments are refusing to listen to any scientists who oppose the virus fraud that they are propagating. You appear to be of the same mindset. I commented on the DELIVERY and not the content of the interview. I am shocked at your silly attacks. Keep it it up.

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I am interested. Just saying what a poor presentation it was. Your response is very immature.

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