Just wanted to thank you for chiming in there over on Farber's substack. She also have yet another post today. I'm not adding any more to her substack--it's obvious that she's not an independent journalist, but is in fact a propagandist for his Presidential campaign. Probably the same holds true for Mark Crispin Miller. But I do appreciate your comments over there and am thankful that you joined in. Good luck in continuing to expose the gatekeepers and propagandists. I honestly do not understand the hero worship of RFK--he basically stands for the entire official narrative, other than that it was mismanaged and they shouldn't push the kill shots on us. But otherwise, he's completely mainstream, promoting the GoF and lab leak nonsense, which are all supportive of the WHO pandemic treaty/IHR amendments.

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Hi Sandra,

Any time! If you need help on stuff again just drop me a message. We are also over at telegram if you'd like to join us. We are a fair size group of very sharp chaps and we are trying to push this truth through the mainstream monster. All know that it is a near impossible task but we have come together to try and make it happen and thanks for your efforts also. We can't hope to make a change if we sit around doing nothing and at you and I are here trying to kick these gatekeepers in the teeth.

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Also, I should add that I've been chatting elsewhere on substackwith a guy named "Allen" who has apparently been banned by her (I actually posted his comment over at Celia's substack because he had a better way of responding to her). Anyway, before her shilling of the past few days, he alluded that she would quickly fold into his tent. So, I guess signs were there. But I guess I didn't see it coming and mistakenly thought she was an independent journalist. But now, you have since made it clear that she's working for him! What a joke she has become. Seems like everyone has their price despite the future enslavement of humanity hanging in the balance.

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You must understand that what you do in invaluable! We are the front line that will tear down this utter rubbish! I have compiled this post (https://dpl003.substack.com/p/the-gatekeepers-club) so people can use it for ammunition when trying to wake people up.

Also this post that blows up virology - https://dpl003.substack.com/p/virology-the-damning-evidence

If you do join telegram visit these groups and ask them for dpl. If I find you there I will take you to our private group. Some of the sharpest peeps you will ever meet and we are always looking for likeminded people.

Other groups we can recommend that focus on the study of virology is that of Mike Stone. Viroliegy - https://t.me/joinchat/9g44r3K4t3c5ZWUx

Another great group exposing gatekeepers is that of Omar. Darkside Papers - https://t.me/DarksidePapers

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Thank you so much for all of your help in this. I'm so utterly drained from dealing with Celia's utter BS all yesterday--and at first I didn't realize that she was a propagandist for his campaign, so I was responding as though there was an interest in hearing other sides. Anyway, thanks for the pep talk!! I really needed it. I truly have a headache from all the BS. Thanks for all of the links. IMO, the only way out of this horror show and future enslavement of humanity is the full and total truth--we need to expose the utter fraud of virology once and for all. And I'm beyond disgusted by these people supporting those who are basically NOT on our side.,

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Also, we are more than a few Sandra. You don't have to feel alone nor take all the load. If you email me at dpl003@protonmail.com we can chat further there ;-) We are make great headway and there are already good people fighting the good fight.

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Oh, thank you so much!! Your support is greatly appreciated. I have to run, but will get back to you on your email later. Thanks again!!

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Yes, I'll be sure to drop you a message if I need help with one of these propagandist/shills. Honestly, I wasted all day yesterday on her substack--I just cannot bring myself to deal with another day of her and others shilling for RFK. I actually have things to do. Though I do hope people continue to call her out, I have to take a break. And I think her substack is kind of a waste--it's just a place for group think and people in need of a savior. They just want to have their hopium that someone else will fix it.

Anyway, let me know where your telegram is. I'm not on there yet. But may do so in the future.

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