Mar 23Liked by dpl

Cod liver oil is a food so is freeze dried liver capsules. These are not the substances refered to in Agent's articles, these are not vitamins these are foods.

I agree with DPL, you have not taken the time to read the links.

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I applaud you for all the time and self-sacrifice you put into these dpl. Bravo!

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23Liked by dpl

They’re claiming IVERMECTIN is a potential anticancer drug. What a crock of sh!t


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Good article but you perhaps missed the biggest vitamin threat of all - Megadose Intravenous Vitamin C. It wipes out the kidney in quick fashion. All COVID patients are assigned the prime cause of death in hospitals to SEPSIS- which is blood poisoning resulting in organ failure (kidney). Vitamin C taken orally will be balanced out by the stomach - any excess eliminated. But IV there is no balancing. A Dr. Paul Marik has a COVID protocol that calls for like 1,500 mg Vit. C - anything over say 200-400 mg can be dangerous.

This is why Dr. Henry Beiler's book Food is the Best Medicine is important.

I would like to throw something in for thought. Perhaps the reason the Sepsis death rate is so high is not just antibiotic resistance but that any severe Respiratory Disease is not due to infection requiring treatment of anti-microbials, oxygen, etc. and thus the treatment is worse than the disease. What severe respiratory disease is, is a Connective Tissue deficiency - lack of collagen to rebuild lungs that stiffen up. Blood, bone, cartilage and tissues like tendons, ligaments, lungs, and the scaffolding for all organs, are connective tissues. The only effective way to repair is eating beef tendons, pigs feet, pig ears, etc. This approach is called Interstitial Pneumonia not Viral or Bacterial or Fungal Pneumonia.

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Supplement scam tripod:

1. Supplements are BIG money, obviously.

2. Supplements have the allure and patina of ease and effectiveness, due to decades of skillful marketing and promotional propaganda.

3. Supplements ride on the coattails of all other types of illusory 'cures': med drug pills, herbal remedies, acupuncture needles, homeopathics, etc, etc on down the line.

The belief that ingesting something that never has any business being in the human body is somehow required in order to be cured of a disease, can include virtually all supplements... if you give the definition of 'curing substance' a bit of wiggle room.

The whole business of 'cures' needs to be hogtied and put down.

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Mar 23·edited Mar 26

Amandha Vollmer and Mark and Sam Bailey are also supplement pushers. Why no mention of them?

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Oh wow! I cannot understand why everyone is pushing this stuff. Thank you.

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Mar 24Liked by dpl

Wow!! I'm glad I ditched supplements now. The take home message: “just eat the fucking produce!!“ Love it!! 👍😀

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Mar 23Liked by dpl

https://www.substack.com/@anitabaxasmd. Pushing methylene blue 😫

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All these nicely fit into the larger picture of global depopulation. For that matter, I have counted 13 large types:


Hospital patients and many others are also poisoned with Ensure:


There is a simple way to check out how toxic something is (although I tend to believe that everything synthetic is toxic):


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While I agree that these synthetic junk is poison. Stating that the FDA does not regulate is not true. They do not “approve”supplements however they do heavily regulate the supplement industry. I was a manager of a very clean organic herbal supplement company (no synthetics or flow agents etc… just herbal and superfoods) and we followed the regulations to the letter and there are many strict requirements.

That said when it comes to synthetics , flow agents, and fillers and all that crap that’s also used in pharma that FDA do approve they are toxic and used in many supplements.

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I have been rethinking my use of vits and mins. Too much added junk in many of them. Why? Thinking about it, how does vitamin D mimic vitamin D from the sun? Do any experts have the explanation? Or, how is ascorbic acid the same as vitamin C found in foods?

Things that make me question supplements are ingredients, manufacturing process, testing, quality, absorption ability and where they are made. Most chemicals come from China although that fact is well hidden. Anything coming from China should raise one gigantic red flag.

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My investigations have demonstrated to me that the virus narrative is a myth. Viruses have not been demonstrated as contagious, and there is no evidence of one being isolated.

However, I have been reading your articles for some time. Initially, I was interested in the gatekeepers. However, I began to see that you hare falling into the devil's snare of being "one-eyed" and appear to be edging into the territory of a bigot.

When it comes to vitamins and minerals and detoxifying herbs, you need to look at these again. Just spouting off about what you obviously have no knowledge is not doing your cause or the cause of the "no virus" proponents any favors.

I have been taking RELIV multivitamins, minerals and the "functional food" Arth-Affect since 1999. I am 70 years old. People put me in my 40s. I also take flaxseed oil, Perfect Amino and have a tablespoon of gum turpentine once a fortnight. I have also studied clinical nutrition.

Why do you want to continue to discredit yourself with your tirade against vitamins, minerals, etc.

I have taken Ivermectin and it did not poison me. I had four tubes of Ivermectin sold for horses.

A journalist by the name of Jim Stone went to Mexico and purchased some Ivermectin for horses. He had parasites coming out of his legs. He had large bumps on his body and they disappeared. So I decided to see what would happen if I took some. Nothing happened. It is not poisonous to humans.

Moreover, I bought 20 tubes of the product and non of the people I gave it to were poisoned. Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine has been used for over 60 years safely.

My investigations are strongly leading me to accept that most people's illnesses are the result of parasites. Some are microscopic and live in our bodies, eventually taking over as our ability to synthesize protein into the many variations that we require begins to fail.

There are seven elements we need to consume daily at optimal levels if we are to experience optimum health: proteins, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, calories, clean water, clean oxygen. If we do not consume or imbibe optimal levels of these elements, our metabolism will begin to lose functions and this is where disease starts to manifest in some form and breakdown within cellular function begins the road towards death.

As for Lee Merritt, I would do some more research instead of making yourself as a false witness. I have heard here categorically state numerous times that "germ theory" has no legs, the internal environment is where the problems lie.

She still stands by what Poornima Wagh has said. And I personally think that what she said had merit. Some bad dudes probably visited her, but the essence of what Wagh had to say is sound.

Graphene oxide appears to be the major contributing culprit for the injuries and deaths. But we cannot dismiss the fact that other heavy metals played a significant part in this genocide. Evidenced by the excess mortality rates reported by insurance companies and also found in VAERS records.

The Poornima Wagh saga is a disturbing element in all of this though. When I saw that she said she had a double PhD from the same thesis, I was a little concerned.

However, in Lee Merrit's introduction of her interview with Wagh, she says that she vetted the woman, so I put my questions on hold.

Another reason why I am prepared to give Poornima Wagh some slack is in 2021, there was a leak that seven university labs had tested samples from 1500 confirmed positive COVID-19 patients. Not one of the laboratories returned a positive for SARS-CoV-2. Fact checkers immediately went into overdrive to debunk the claims (e.g. https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-154815506152).

In her interview, Wagh provided details that a team she led of 20 people had been given $1.5m by the NIH to isolate the virus. She did this according to the traditional methods of filtration, centrifugation, pipetting and assay. After approaching 100 or so universities to do the same, only seven did. One of the seven was Johns Hopkins, another was Stanford. By not using the traditional methods, they all came to the same conclusions as Wagh's team. When the results were presented to the NIH, they were not pleased. Her laboratory was raided and closed down as a result of making the information known.

Under the circumstances, it is quite possible that Wagh is trying to let the world know that the hoax is worse than the Y2K bug. It is an attempt to kill as many people as possible. Bioinformatics is not science. It is a massive scam involving the whole bio/medical/pharma complex. Viruses have never been isolated, let alone proven to be contagious. However, Wagh may also be very afraid of what could happen to her if she were to continue.

Rather than get on the bandwagon and join the chorus of naysayers, too much of what she has had to say is solid. Whoever is affected by anyone taking the initiative and following up on her claims regarding what is happening in the industry and the fraud that is commonplace, these are the ones who will scream the loudest.

As for Steve Kirsch, when he puts up the money to get independent laboratory tests down using the filtration-centrifugation means of isolation and purification of a virus and can demonstrate that Koch's Postulates have been complied with, he is just grandstanding.


While I admit that there are people who I would say are plants (Brett Weinstein, Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone), even if, say, the likes of Kirsch is a "useful idiot", the fact is everybody has to be circumspective and not fall into the trap of "them and us" only to dig one's own hole and get caught in another bubble of methane nonsense.

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23

It´s always good to listen to different perspectives - to contrast and compare.

Important to have a completely open mind and listen to those who challenge our convictions and beliefs.

Tim Truth I will never listen to him again after the absolutely despicable comments he made about Rashid Buttar´s following his murder.

And, BTW, Tim Truth critized the Ivermectin pushers for failing to mention that it could be harmful for a very small number of individuals who have some kind of gene deficiency (or something like that) - not because it was harmful, or potentially harmful, in itself.

Personally, doesn´t matter much to me - I don´t take Ivermection.

Everything can harm and kill us if we ingest too much of it - including water. The dosage is the fundamental factor.

Same with vitamins and minerals.

Of course, some manufacturers are worse than others and we know (from thousands of videos on the internet) that many supplments have been laced with magnetic particles. However, there must be some honest manufacturers out there.

Vitamins and supplements have been mercilessly villainized by the mainstream during the past few years - particularly Ivermectin, HCQ and Vitamin D3 - and, they are even trying to make NAC available only by prescription.

If anyone can be trusyed it is certainly the Spanish group - La Quinta Columna. They called out the scamdemic and exposed what was really going on from the onset. They recommend a series of Vitamins, minerals and supplments - including Vitamin D3 - which I will continue to take on a daily basis.

Even the highly regarded and super censored and harassed naturopath - Barbara O´Neill claims that Vitamin D3 and supplements are a good thing.

Of course, one should not overdo it and it may be recommended to not take them continuously, but this article questioning the benefits of vitamins and supplements doesn´t appear to stand up to scrutiny.

However, I do agree that if you could get all the vitamins and minerals and other good things we need, in sufficient amount, from food and drink, that would be much, much better.

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Thank you. I would be very interested in your opinion on C60.

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While I give good probability that vitamins are a scam, I do ponder the idea that because something is poison to one species it means it's poison for all others. If that were the case, We'd better stop eating chocolate - it is poison to cats!!!

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