Awesome article, thank you for putting this together, you guys are really doing amazing things! Will keep coming back to see the updates too.

I hundred percent agree with your attitude, if people are not prepared to speak the truth and the whole truth then they must get lost. The current situation with humanity is indeed dire and anyone delaying/diverting truth seekers are just as bad as those pushing the mainstream narrative.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by dpl

Vernon Coleman is on my list of gatekeepers, primarily because he embraced the absurd doomer predictions of veterinarian Geert van Bossche. Chris Martenson also endorsed that bullsh!t, along with the rest of his mainstream nonsense.

What's your opinion of James Corbett and also Off-Guardian (I have mixed feelings about both)?

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Following you on twitter and have now subscribed. This is a great post. Gatekeepers have a very special function in all this and we know what it is. If people could understand the role of gatekeepers, that would be half the battle won.

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I absolutely applaud this list and the work you have done here! I have done my own unearthing of some of these gatekeepers as well on my own Substack, and it is great to see someone put together an extensive list with some of the big names all in one spot. You definitely gained an interested subscriber! Excellent job

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by dpl

It is exactly same as the scam called Vitamins which have been forgotten and many in truth community take it which is a POISON made from Petrol. There is no Vitamins, You do not need it, they call enzymes as vitamins and the natural vitamin is not the same as synthetic ones. Its a billion dollar scam. Vitamin D is Code for Vitamin Death which literally destroys your Klotho


This article is written by Dr. Robert Thiel, Ph.D. but we never ever heard of him in shill gatekeeping channels.

Vitamin D >>Irradiated animal fat/cattle brains or solvently extracted

Vitamin A >> Methanol, benzene, petroleum esters; acetylene; refined oils

People in truth community must must know about the Scam called Vitamins and Virus, especially these shills Push Vitamin D a lot

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by dpl

Include Meryl Nass, Ryan Cole and Jessica Rose.

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I am very late to this party! I approve the message so thoroughly that I am shocked. I thought I was the only one who could not trust all of the above. I feel better about myself now. I am not quite as big a bitch as I thought I was....

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This summary article is awesome!

It is critical to expose the whole truth. The entire house of cards will collapse when enough people realize that they have been attacked for decades!

They have failed to come close to satisfying Koch's postulate. Their response will be an attempt to discredit or outdate this confirming observational proof.

I am getting a lot more support and less pushback so we are making a difference.

One of my favourite overviews! By Dr. Sam Bailey! BTW, I have the book, "Virus Mania"

🎯No Virus Is International

https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/No-Virus-International:c?r=3mHWjbwQTrHdemFG6R1KnYTRE2xMhm1G&lid=93ab6cdd6d8b38891760bad640e6a938e93a9021 #Odysee via @OdyseeTeam

Best of exposing the truth!

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Dec 26, 2023Liked by dpl

Also Sabrina Wallace belongs on your list for "discredit by association", "complexity diversion", and ingratiating Christians (the target of her gate keeping). She takes her vids down soon which is strange, but I suppose she doesn't want to leave a record of her deceptions.

Going faster then most people speak, putting out lots of data, rambles, is difficult to follow, and diverting you with disjointed complexity. She does not have her CV on line and holds it up only for a few sec and only shows part of it, but doesn't show her academic history. Her nutty demeanor, quirky placards she can't hold straight for 2 sec, rapid and hard to follow speech/messy room and self means she is associating true info with nutty people so that the masses will conclude that anyone with speaking the kinds of things she says about the internet of bodies is nutty and the info is nutty. She is also ingratiating Christians with her bible/God talk-another propaganda strategy to gain trust of your enemy. I think she is acting on purpose, and that in reality she is normal and and rational.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by dpl

Glad you mentioned Petersen. Have been studying "Word Magic" and the uses of sounds, colours, settings, words and gestures for several years and how they are used to deceive. Listening to one of his videos about 6 months ago with eyes shut, was astonished to hear the audience clapping for no apparent reason.

Restarted the video and it was immediately apparent that he used movements, gestures and lead lines to tell the audience when to clap.

After reading this article, went back to the video and it has been redacted, probably because I broke down in the comments exactly what and how he got the audience to clap on que. The gestures part has been covered with graphics and my commentary has been removed.

Anybody know how to recover the original. I do not know how to use the Wayback Machine and not certain it could be recovered from You Tube.

This is the link t that video:


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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by dpl

We can add The Last American Vagabond to the list!

Question Everything, except the non-existent virus!


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Came across your article today and will probably link it @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

even though it's an older post.

Just curious as to who isn't on your Gatekeeper list as it seems anyone who has ever written about Covid has made it on this list.

I myself have linked many articles by some of these in the effort to make people aware and some of these I won't link any of their article, but others have some very good ones.

Seems to me that by this article, everyone is controlled opposition! Do you have a non-Gatekeeper list as well and the reasons for them not making this list. Jon Rappaport comes to mind perhaps?

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Glad I have found this stack; it looks completely compatible with my findings, and the two complement each other. I am spreading the news:


I call the gatekeepers "enablers."

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..I just noticed a video you shared on your bitchute channel.

It's kind of unrelated to this threads topic, though I'll just ask here if that's okay?

Do you believe alex jones is bill hicks? bill hicks didn't die?

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This is a good repository and thanks for your time and effort in creating it. People can read and make up their own mind.

I do have to say though that I personally don't like the approach of just dropping a person's name in that list and then writing "More information pending (will be updated in future)".

If you don't have the details to provide, maybe leave the name out for the time being. I personally feel it's a bit of unsubstantiated 'mud slinging' that way.

However, this is obviously your stack and you can (and should) do whatever you want.

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Jan 6Liked by dpl

That’s nearly everyone. Aye.

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