Welcome aboard team, thank you for your extensive hard work CONFIRMING Dr Lanka's and the dream teams findings.

This is REAL science! Replication and covering ALL objections.

You are all heros, making history!

".......I want you to throw the damned (virology definition)) book, in the fire"

"I love you, and want to have your babies...😂"

A little black adding humour.

Tell me I'm not dreaming......

" A roller coaster of a novel, crammed with sizzling hot gypsies!"

A butlers tale.....

A big up to the Perth Group.

Yee ha, chesters dead.

I'm grinning all over 😁

Congratulations, your in the history books.

Verified, replicated and confirmed by independent qualified experienced experts in the field.

Next stop, Dr Cowan work.

Time for a smooth Bailey's...


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Glad you guys did this! Notice the main no-virus people have been talking about a virus challenge and they have lots of money but none of them did this. Let that sink in💡

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Jun 16Liked by dpl

They want to keep the gravy train going as they have zero integrity.....you know how it goes, mortgages to pay....idk

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And they do nothing but spew insults without having a logical argument or explanation. It's as if they are blinded by devotion to an ideology. As if they fake their stance because they don't know the science and their main #1 goal is to be so ridiculous and fanatic that no one wants to be like them. 🧐 💡

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Are you talking about leading no-virus voices? Who specifically?

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Jun 16Liked by dpl

Referring to the virus are real pushers such as debunk the funk, sense strand, reds and all the other condescending psy ops bleeps

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So Dr. Aranda was referring to the people who argue that viruses are real? It sounded like she might have meant that the leading no-virus voices were “spewing, insults“ and “faking their stance.“ I just want to make sure I’m understanding.

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Jun 16Liked by dpl

Yes, Dr Aranda is referring to the condescending bunch of psy ops persons as I mentioned.

Its usually debunk, sense strand spewing the insults as they have no logic in their arguments.

They will avoid all talk of viral isolation and deflect immediately to sequencing.

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Thanks. I was confused because it looked like Dr. Aranda was replying to PM‘s comment, implying that the leading No-virus voices should have done this experiment before now. So when she said “they,“ I understood that to mean the no-virus people, not the ones who say viruses are real.

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I'm leading this myself and looking for anyone who wants to add in some resources or comments as we get started tomorrow morning;)

Let me also clarify that I am not speaking about anyone in particular. I have noted that unlike here with this very logical work, many others scare away the hope of any conversation because they are so "anti-virus" that they cannot be logical.

(We see this on the "pro-virus" side too.)

It's almost as if a subsection of profiles generate ill on purpose, to drive an argument instead of a discussion. So I am grateful for what these scientists are doing 🙌

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Who exactly?

Virus pushers or no virus people?

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Persons who are prolific and popular in the no virus camp-there are many of these persons. The who and what is not really relevant for this discussion.

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It is important because I know them.

And I know who brought the most vital information to collective knowledge about virology.

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The vital info is true agreed. As dpl emphasized, the Perth group was way ahead of the curve, and others since way back, I don't remember their names.

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Maybe they were ahead but not there where they should be, i.e., a position where no virus people took in 2020. Even Lanka can't keep up with these people.

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The main no-virus people came up with the challenge and issued it to virologists two years ago. That was Cowan, Kaufman, the Baileys, Kevin Corbett, and a few others. So far, no one who defends virology has taken them up on it. Which is pretty telling in itself. All these leading no-virus voices are working every day to debunk the virus narrative. I, too, am glad to see Jamie and friends have done it--this will certainly add to the pressure on virology to justify its existence! But I don't see that Cowan, Kaufman, et al. should have done it themselves, especially since Stefan Lanka already had. Is there some behind-the curtain conversation going on that suggests these folks have been sitting on their hands?

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Author

Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos first talked about doing experiments to disprove the findings of virology in 1993. She also mentioned not having the funding for it. If she had the support of a few 100k subs that could fund such an undertaking she would have done it. Lanka, a student of Eleni, actually did the experiments but did not do it in its entirety because the sequencing part is missing.

A chap that came out of nowhere with absolutely no funding and a backgound in geology picked up the experiments and ran the first leg of it to get the ball rolling.

Putting out challenges is cool and all but it doesn't cut at the root of the problem does it...

Seems that no one is sitting on their hands anymore as a lot of them has got on board to assist Jamie with coverage and funding.

Every challenge that can be written down has been put out by the Perth Group as far as 30 years ago. Nothing has come of it and incidentally no one talks of it for some strange reason. If your read Eleni's article "HIV: A Virus Like No Other" you will get some idea of what they did. Also if you read the history of the Perth Group you'll learn a lot more than just the science of no virus but also how a group of people went out of their way to destroy their work to the point where Eleni was quoted in saying that: These people have destroy the AIDS Dissident movement.

The biggest impacts we've seen so far has always been someone actually doing something. The Lanka court case, the Lanka control experiments, Willner's HIV roadshow, The Perth Groups meeting with the South African president, what could have been a successful Court case on HIV with the Perth Group assisting Paranzee (had it not been jeopardized by bad actors).

Not saying that anyone's sitting on their hands but repeating history seems a bit like just doing what the Perth Group already did... Something that would have been clear as day had there been anyone out there teaching us the history of the Perth Group... You know... Like interviewing people like Anthony Brink and Rod Knoll who are still alive today who has intimate knowledge of what happened during those days (side note: probably one of the most fascinating things to witness how these two are COMPLETELY ignored even though they are eager to get the truth about the Perth Group out there as well as their 3 decades of knowledge on no virus).

All this is however besides the point at this stage. Let's see who give Jamie the support he deserves. This control experiment is the final show. If this gets the attention and funding it deserves nothing else would be required to take virology down. In my opinion, people who are not interested in this are the ones who show their true colors.

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how is this funding being received? paypal? bitcoin? confused here. is there a link?

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Jun 20Author

Link is in the article - https://thewayfwrd.com/donate/

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Perth Group and Lanka did not do proper science and used proper wording in presenting issues with virology.

Proper verification and language was used first time in 2020 by no virus people. And I am proud of being one of them who has done it.

I do not support what Jamie is doing because it is a waste of resources on something which is scientifically irrelevant.

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Jun 17Author

"The Perth Group and Lanka did not do proper science and used proper wording in presenting issues with virology"

Says the chap who suggests we do no further science because it's a waste of resources and scientifically irrelevant 😂🤣😂🤣

Well done mate. You made me laugh and seeing you elevate yourself above the Perth Group and Lanka. That's new to me. Not even Lanka was this arrogant towards the Perth Group.

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Because it is not scientific. That is why it is a waste of resources. If you do not know what science is, then you should not talk about it.

It is not my problem that Perth Group and Lanka was not my level.

Here lessons for you about what science is and what it is not:



Bring valid arguments next time.

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Jun 17Author

Drop some of your channel and page links mate so we can learn from the all wise man who claims the Perth Group and Lanka did not know how to do science.

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Bro, a little harsh. I saw this lecture in 2022. But as Dr. Grant says, the six steps of the scientific method are simple and clear and "all kids can get that." Perhaps you can point out there Dr. Lanka and or the Perth Group failed in their design or theorizing. Which of any of the steps was omitted or in error. Thanks.

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Could you explain why it is not scientific? Are they not using the Scientific Method to demonstrate that, if CPE is observed with no alleged 'virus' present, then there is no independent variable (i.e. the 'virus') in viral cell cutures; therefore making virology a pseudoscience and not actual science? You know, the Scientific Method, independent variables, dependent variables, controlled variables etc. You have heard of the Scientific Method, haven't you?

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Perth Group and Lanka did not do proper science and used proper wording in presenting issues with virology.

Proper verification and language was used first time in 2020 by no virus people. And I am proud of being one of them who has done it.

I do not support what Jamie is doing because it is a waste of resources.

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I generally agree with what you say Betsy! No, not exactly sitting on hands, but there are some other issues of significant "strangeness" in some of their connections, beliefs, and censuring of others, including myself, and others who are even on this thread. It is somewhat tangential to your post. Certainly they give out lots of good info and we should continue to follow them (with discernment). Keep going!

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They just pointed out that alleged viruses are not proven to exist. And some of them pointed out that nucleotides are not proven as well.

What Lanka did is to show that some virology methodology is absurd. Not to mention it is not scientific at all because for this you need a real variable to experiment on.

Showing more how absurd their methodologies are is not going to change a fact that there is no real variable to start with.

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There is no onus on no-virus people to run any experiments to disprove wild assumptions and leaps of illogic that are clearly unscientific and idiotic.

There is already a massive body of work exposing virology as pseudoscience. Yet you "Proton Magic" (hiding your face, name and profession), "DPL" (hiding his face and profession and no longer using his name publicly) and certain others have a hobby of bashing "the well known no-virus people" via (mostly vague) accusations and insinuations and illogical complaints. If your goal isn't to turn people away from their work, it certainly looks as though it is.

"Let that sink in💡"

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Dear Christine, I appreciate that we prefer people to be open, but everyone has their own struggles. I am just glad that you have helped spread truth. I have no idea who DPL is, but he follows me on Twitter - so he/she cannot be all bad (lol).

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I've made the same observations.... there is a highly active group attempting to suck any new no-virus people into a never ending abyss of technocratic idiocy and even philosophical dead ends (are electrons real, is anythiing real, etc ) there by making all no-virus people appear as a group of nutjobs. I guess the flat earth psyop is not enough, so they've moved onto more complex psyops. On flipside, much of the recent flack against no-virus people comes from the fact that these same no-virus people are still pushing "vitamins" and many are behind paid platforms, both of which is questionable. I call these no-virus people grifters, because they are grifters. But you are correct that there is a plethora of information currently available and the onus is not on the no-virus people. The only merit of this latest experiment is to show that using an invalid TEM technique will result in the same invalid result in both "infected" and reference samples. I don't think people will care about this and they will get sucked into TEM technical discussions. What we really need is a Tiktok viral video showing someone attempting to get infected by every known "virus" and never getting "sick". In the end, the masses of people only care about if they can get "sick" from "something"

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By your logic, no one ever should have discussed whether or not viruses have been shown to exist b/c it makes us look like nutjobs. This is the argument made by much of the "freedom" community.

How is questioning the existence of electrons "technocratic"?

Grifting implies that one is obtaining money or property illicitly.

What "same no-virus people are still pushing "vitamins""? The Baileys seem to be the main target of the anonymous DPL and others, and they do not push vitamins.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

His point is valid.

The answer is this: Pursue and talk about the no-virus issue on several necessary fronts, concurrently.

1 - talk to the scientist,

2 - talk to the medic,

3 - talk to the lab chemist,

4 - talk to the intelligent, educated public,

5 - talk to the street-wise layman.

And ALWAYS tell all of them that their sickness is ALMOST ALWAYS self-caused.

Tell them that over and over and over again.

And over again.

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"Proton Magic", did you notice Jamie admitting in his new presentation (https://dpl003.substack.com/p/the-most-comprehensive-control-studies) that labs haven't been willing to do certain experiments? This is one of the reasons why "the main no-virus people" went public with the Setting the Virus Debate Challenge - to show that labs would be too afraid to take up our challenge. "Let that sink in💡".

Btw I'm still waiting for you to respond to me under Betsy's article where you claimed that "Some of the no-virus people you even mention in your post will argue vociferously that there is no evidence for 5G to be dangerous". I asked you "like who, PM?" Would appreciate a response, with evidence.

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Who are the main no-virus people?

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You are at the top of the pyramid, for sure, judging by the size of your ego which you continue to inflate in nearly every one of your responses. Post a video of your online dog fights back in 2020 because I'm sure we're all tired of reading, "back in 2020, I was battling blah blah blah"

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Projection from you.

Nowhere I claimed that I was recording my exchanges with shills. So there is nothing to post. Yet people saw me in action in 2020 and I am known among no virus people because of it. An you can't change it.

It is funny that newcomers think that they were first to discover issues with virology and infectious diseases lately. That they bring something new to the table.

Yet everything was already brought through exchanges with shills in 2020.

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I have never heard about you.

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Because you are some newcomer. And not one of those who were publicly destroying claims of shills on internet in the beginning of 2020.

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You're so full of yourself, cute.

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what action? do you have a laboratory? have you published any papers? did you take action like Christine Massey and make 100's of FOI requests demonstrating that it's all a ruse and that all "samples" lead back to China? Ever wonder why they picked China? Because China is a totalitarian communist country where they can pretend to do anything and there's no one to say otherwise.

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Action of exposing shills (virologists and their supporters-PhDs, professors, scientists, geneticists, MDs, EM experts, immunologists, biologists, microbiologists, lab technicians) in public exchanges with them on social media platforms. This is how all lies of virology were exposed.

Ask Christine if I got to know her before she started sending FOI requests in 2020.

It is irrelevant what country they picked. All so-called countries are artificial constructs that were created by usurpers-parasites. And all of them are totalitarians.

Bring valid arguments next time.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by dpl

You are hilarious 😂😂 calling people "newcomers" yet stating your participation in this began in 2020.

And then saying you did more than anyone by taking action "exposing shills on social media".

You MUST be trolling. And if not, you're insanely delusional. Either way, I cant believe anyone is wasting time going back & forth with you.

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Exciting news to find floating around my Instagram this morning. This would have been so amazing to have on hand in 2020, but then, I wouldn't know about the fraud of virology if 2020 hadn't happened. The law of unintended consequences huh?!? Thank you for all your hard work putting an end to this nonsense.

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Congratulations! This is progress!

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Jun 13Author

Thanks Frances. I really think we can take it all down. We just need the right people to focus on the right stuff.

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dpl, what about this guy, Patrick Jordan? He brings up an interesting point about Lanka and his claim of isolating a virus from the ocean.


And he says this:

''I don't care what anyone thinks or beLIEves at this point because I've already put out to the big names in the Viruses Don't Exist cult the requirement to address bacteriophages, but they never responded.''

Has bacteriophages been addressed?

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Jun 16Author

They have been addressed and it is an unbelievably bad argument in favor of "viruses".

1st point - bacteriophages are... wait for it... bacteriophages. They are NOT viruses but they need them to be viruses so they claim not only that they are viruses but they also claim that they kill bacteria (without any evidence).

2nd point - and the big reason this is a very bad argument to make if you argue for viruses... Bacteriophages can be isolated DIRECTLY from a sample without having to culture the sample. Something that's impossible to do with viruses that cause disease in man 🤣😂🤣😂 This is comedy gold.


- Bacteriophages do not cause disease in man.

- Calling a mosquito a virus doesn't make it a virus but one's desperation to call it a virus because it can be easily proven to exist is some more comedy gold.

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Jun 16Liked by dpl

This was Kirschs' go to the other night with Andrew.

Andrew had the patience of a saint tbh.

Kirsch couldn't actually hear what he was saying re: BALF and straight to sequencing as usual....IDK doh

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Bacteriophages are not proven to exist as well.

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Jun 17Author

Not sure where you get that but OK.

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Because they have never been proven by Identification, observation, isolation and experimentation. So the burden of proof is still on those who claim their existence.

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Jun 16Liked by dpl

It really is Frances. Lets see all the virus pushers and psy ops big mouths try to argue these results.

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My own research on covid remains the most comprehensive to date.

I licked urinals and tabletops in restaurants during 2021 and 2022, and started licking microphones at open mics in 2023.

As a control for the experiment I used all the people in civilization not licking urinals, and there are actually millions!

I haven’t had so much as a cold in years.

—Dr. David Thor

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I keep telling the wife, "LICK the dog ... it is perfectly harmless!" She is a skeptic.

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Dogs lead by example. When I trained as an EMT for ambulance work, admittedly back in some other century, it was a given that bites from humans were more severe than bites from dogs cuz human mouths are dirtier. It’s the dog that should be the skeptic.

Well, good lick with training your wife. It’s amazing what humans are capable of sometimes.

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Real science by real people, worth supporting to see results whichever way they may fall. Donation coming, Thanks.

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Jun 14Author

Much appreciated Matt.

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OMFG 🙀!! /Actual/ heroes and/or freedom fighters without the TM Patent Pending pill pushing Grift-Fest?!? This made my day, quite possibly my future!

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Jun 14Author

Hi Hailey,

Agreed, Jamie and the people working behind the scenes with him are true heroes. People who had no platform whatsoever who just tried their best with what they had. I really think this work will go a long way.

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Jun 14Liked by dpl

Incredibly beautiful and wonderful is all I can say.

I do promise to send some $ as soon as possible, this work needs to continue.

Thanks to all

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Jun 14Author

Thanks Rick, much appreciated man

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Bloody Marvellous

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I was watching on Odysee and right before i shared that, i saw the link to SS. 😎

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Jun 16Liked by dpl

Brilliant work and well done everyone on finally using their own methods to prove viruses are nowt more than the effects of CPE.

Has debunk the funk, sense strand (who requires literacy classes as he can't read), reds and all the other condescending psy ops tried to argue these results yet?

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I can argue because there is no specific independent variable proven in a form of alleged nucleotides. And no validated method used for visualization.

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These experiments were not trying to prove nucleotides.

It was the replication of current virology orthodoxy.

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That is why I told those guys that they should mention that it is not about proving if nucleotides or viruses are real or not. But about showing absurd of virology methods. Just like Lanka did.

You can read my other comments here as well.

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Who said it was about "proving viruses are real or not"? That is an absurd notion thinking that you can prove a negative?

No we are falsifying the virological methodology using control experiments to show that the virological claims of a viruses existence is unfounded and fraudulent.

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Read my previous comment again.

"That is why I told those guys that they should mention that it is not about proving if nucleotides or viruses are real or not. "

And a negative can be proven. An absolute negative can't.

You do not have adherence to scientific method because you do not have a real variable to start with.

Lanka already showed absurdity of it too. And he did not have any verified nucleotide or virus.

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You don't seem to understand what the scientific method is if you think there is no independant variable in our Control Studies.

It seems to be a large problem of yours so much so that you think you can come on here and proclaim it as a waste of time🤪🤪... oh the arrogance.

I will tell you this once and once only, if you fail to understand this very easy concept I will have to deem you have nefarious motives.

The Independant Variables in the Cell Culture Control studies are 1. FBS 2. Antibiotics.

The -ve Controls : 10%FBS, Sputum.

This experiment has nothing to do with "viruses", it is falsifying the methodology used as proof of "viruses".

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Who said it was about "proving viruses are real or not"? That is an absurd notion thinking that you can prove a negative?

No we are falsifying the virological methodology using control experiments to show that the virological claims of a viruses existence is unfounded and fraudulent.

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Read my previous comment again.

"That is why I told those guys that they should mention that it is not about proving if nucleotides or viruses are real or not. "

And a negative can be proven. An absolute negative can't.

You do not have adherence to scientific method because you do not have a real variable to start with.

Lanka already showed absurdity of it too. And he did not have any verified nucleotide or virus.

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Agreed Kordelas, just re-watched Jamies' intro and he should have made it clearer for those new to the subject.

Jamies intro was aimed at those of us who already understood the scam.

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This science study requires a second and third. The second study is how does money influence reception of a science study? 17 million people are in the medical industrial complex earning income. How many lose their job from truth greed upon?

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Dear Stegiel, as Upton Sinclair (1935) wrote:

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his NOT understanding it."

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Right on. No one ponders the reverse. There have to be people in the "works" as Vonnegut said about the deer. They are paid to understand. Now this in no way forces the person paid to understand. Politics of employment might tilt to understanding the next 5 years of benefits from saying yes, though the 10 year view argues otherwise.

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Jun 16Liked by dpl

100% it is nothing more than the cult of science™ now.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24


This guy, Jeff Green, whilst attempting to defend scientific method, cites this statement:

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), “The scientific method “is often misrepresented as a fixed sequence of steps,” rather than being seen for what it truly is, “a highly variable and creative process.” AAAS is the world’s largest scientific society.

I replied:

Then everyone involved should state it as such, including it with the results from every experiment. Likewise, all political decisions made based on 'science' must include the disclaimer: "Highly variable and creative science was relied upon for this legislation.”


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Thank for you posting this. I was watching live - the first time. The first hour was AWFUL. This second half is more direct. All the best!

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Jun 26Author

Hi John,

Jea... I cut out Jamie's part because that was also the focus for me. This work is brilliant. Can't wait for the second round results to come out.

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Does anyone have a link to info about the Barry Scheck/Innocence Project DNA test blinded accuracy study discussed around the 54 minute mark?

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As DPL has added here is the info... https://x.com/JamieAA_Again/status/1652756102864314370?s=19

It is possible to get the actual reports by using WayBack and can send you the source info if need be.

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No need for wayback :-). In case anyone else interested here is the NIST page:


And the paper produced as a result:


Do you publish info anywhere other than twitter? Totally up to you obviously but some people, including little old me, don't use [and don't want to use] twitter which makes it impossible to follow you or even to search your threads :-(.

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This is a great writeup of the experiments. I'm curious what role you have in this work, dpl. (Handles that are not actual people's names always make it seem a bit mysterious, so I also kinda wonder who you are!)

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Jun 17Author

I'm just in the background Betsy. Trying to give assistance to those who seem genuine. I don't have much to give accept for my time and some donation money which I received through this substack. Really just trying my best to get the truth out there because it's obvious how we continue to fail to learn from history.

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Thanks for responding. It is great to know that there are people like you and your subscribers who donated to the cause, who are going so far to try to get the truth out. That's why I started my Substack This Changes Everything, because I want to contribute to that effort with whatever knowledge and skill I have to offer.

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Jun 17Author

You do great work Betsy and I can't wait to read your upcoming article. I know it's going to be a monster because you've been busy on it for a while now.

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Thanks! That means a lot! Not sure what you mean about being busy on my next article for a while. I've been publishing every Tuesday since mid-February, and usually I start writing on Monday, lol. This week I did get started a few days ago with some research. I hope my next article (tomorrow) will be a blockbuster! And thanks again for the encouragement and support.

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Jun 17Author

You mentioned a while back that you wanted to write about why the no virus point is so important and I thought that was a great idea. I thought that article of yours is still in the making but I may have missed it with everything going on 🤦‍♂️

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by dpl

Every article I have written so far, 18 I think, has been about why we need to know that viruses don't exist. It's the theme of my Substack. The first one lays out my top 5 reasons, the next 5 elaborate on each of those, and everything since has been related too. And I still have a lot to say!

Here's my first article: https://barn0346.substack.com/p/this-changes-everything

And here's my Welcome post (fairly short) explaining why I'm writing about this: https://barn0346.substack.com/p/coming-soon

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