Fantastic repository of information. Thank you.

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There are great delusions which have spread worldwide. The belief that viruses exist and that human beings are carriers of these contagions and that human beings can infect other human beings by simply breathing on them is one great delusion. The belief that nation-states are benign is another great delusion. The belief that some nation-states have republican forms of government (instead of nation-states being ruled by psychopathic oligarchs — see “the iron rule of oligarchy” and the term “pathocracy”) is yet another great delusion. I wonder what the core great delusion is, out of which all additional great delusions have sprung.

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I think the core great delusion is that we are not incredibly powerful individuals that create our own reality, not ever needing to rely on "authority" figures, or to be slaves and victims, ever.

Not realizing this allows fears of all kinds and all levels to creep in thus giving rise to the acceptance of all other delusions.

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I could certainly be one of the deluded ones regarding “individuals create their own reality”. So much of reality is perception-based and oftentimes it seems as if the world is a mass of illusions. Other times I think, “Can I really believe that a tree is an elephant (for example), because my mind creates its own reality?” Therefore, there must be something called “objective reality” and something else called “subjective reality” and some other form of reality which transcends human knowledge and human perception and human imaginations and the systems of symbols which human beings have created. Maybe this transcendent reality is how God sees things and all of us are spiritually blind unless God gives us eyes to see and all of us are spiritually deaf unless God gives us ears to hear and all of us are completely devoid of discernment unless God gives us hearts to understand.

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023

Who or what is God?

Perceptions are beliefs, change your beliefs and your perceptions change.

You perceive what you believe.

If you have to ask yourself if you can believe a tree is an elephant, then you don't believe that statement. It's not about trying to trick yourself into believing, seeing, or being something, it's about truly, inwardly, understanding your own power, without question. Then and only then will your outward reality reflect that. For most of us creating is not instantaneous, although sometimes it is. Have you ever thought something like, "I hope I don't mess this up, or fall, or drop this", and then do just that? One can question if that was precognition or creation, but with experience you will see that it's creation.

Objective reality is in fact subjective because who is it that determines objectivity? An individual or group? Therefore it is certainly not objective.

God, whatever one wishes to ascribe that moniker to, has already "given" us everything from the beginning, we only have to believe we have it and then use it.

Existence is really quite simple, but our foolishness tends to make us create complexity and confusion.

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“Who or what is God?” The supreme intelligence, which is the source of all light and truth. The creator of all things.

“Perceptions are beliefs, change your beliefs and your perceptions change. You perceive what you believe.” Perceptions and beliefs can be established on what’s true or what’s false. I’d rather distrust my own beliefs & perceptions and trust the beliefs & perceptions of God. The beliefs & perceptions of God (in my opinion) are called “revelations”.

Regarding “believing in my own power”, there’s still the power to deceive oneself versus the power to come to a knowledge of the truth. Again, once I realize (or recognize or acknowledge) that I have power, it seems incumbent upon me to acknowledge the source of the power and commit the power to the source, so that I can utilize that power to do good and to know the truth (rather than engaging in self deception).

I equate (so-called) “objective reality” with natural phenomena such as the laws of physics. I equate “subjective reality” with how minds have evolved. Minds have evolved to attach to various beliefs, but again, not all beliefs are in harmony with truth. There are human truths, and various humans can violently disagree on these truths, and then there are divine truths which transcend the boundaries of the human condition. It doesn’t matter if humans reject divine truths, any more than if humans deny the laws of physics. I can believe with all of my mind in my own power, doubting nothing, that I can defy the law of gravity, but in this case the law of gravity is more powerful than my mental power to believe or perceive that I can float. Has God given humans the power to control the laws of physics, ie to transform a cell phone into a camel? Nope.

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How are you determining the limits, or more specifically your limits? Or even mankind's limits? Is it by observation, experience, what you've been taught or read or what is consensus?

Everything is created by and from energy. A cell phone is made from substances that have their own energy frequency. A camel is created in the same way. In the same way a healthy person is transformed into a dis-eased person by energy, in this case more harmful energy, whether their thoughts or something we consider to be physical such as chemicals (another frequency) or EMF's (frequency).

Do you believe one can return themselves to good health by their thoughts and intention?

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023

An educated guess? I determine my limits based on my direct experiences. I’ll relate a personal experience. I witnessed someone jump off a bridge and fall to his death. I witnessed a suicide. At the moment I witnessed him falling, could i have called upon my power of believing that I could modify the law of gravity and cause this adolescent to harmlessly float to a safe location instead of falling to the pavement below to be run over by a semi truck?

Maybe this experience of mine (and his death) is REALLY about my lack of faith. Maybe there are individuals of pure faith who don’t doubt that they can walk on water and calm terrible tempests and hold back tsunamis. I believe that such people exist. Maybe you are one of them, or maybe, in order to BECOME one of them, a person must first come to faith that minds create reality and that minds can alter normal reality, such as bodies fall according to the law of gravity and bodies usually sink into water and storms dissipate on their own and a man’s mind cannot hold back the tide.

All things are created by energy. Theoretically, this energy cannot be created or destroyed, while energy can take on differing forms. (I presume that you have a vague understanding of Platonic Forms and am understanding of the concept of “Field precedes Form”.) Does a human mind have the power to change one Form into another Form? If so, does the power to do so only manifest if the transformer BELIEVES that he or she manifests this power? Maybe. As I said, I don’t believe that this power resides in me because I don’t believe that this “me” exists. I believe that this power exists in God and in those God has given this power. I don’t believe that everyone has this power. In this way, I could be deluded or merely ignorant.

Do I have faith that diseased people are capable of healing themselves? It depends. Who knows the true etiology of sickness?

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023

We agree on definition of "God".

"Perceptions and beliefs can be established on what’s true or what’s false. I’d rather distrust my own beliefs & perceptions and trust the beliefs & perceptions of God." The catch there is what is actually true or false and based on what? And how do you know when you've discovered what's true ? You have to learn how to discover the inner knowing, which is the part of God that we all have, and the only thing that is truly truth.

The power to deceive oneself is not true power, that is not your inner true self. You already acknowledge the source of this power, The Creator, and if you are in tune with that you, by default, do good and know truths, and do not engage in self deception, and live accordingly, seeing everything fall into place.

Are you sure the laws of physics are true? How do you know that? How was that "objectively" determined? How many of our so called objectively determined "facts" turn out to not be true after all? Are there really human truths? You don't believe in your own power or you wouldn't have so many doubts. You don't believe any person can defy gravity? Transforming a cell phone into a camel is a bit absurd, but the concept is true that creation is always happening and things are mutable and fluid and only appear to be solid and fixed. Everything is just energy, frequency, vibration. That's why it's so important to truly believe in the power of your thoughts and beliefs, but they can't be forced, one needs to come to the inner truths authentically. It's a process, but only because most of us have been raised to believe otherwise.

"Has God given humans the power to control the laws of physics,". You don't think so? Look a little closer.

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I also believe in the God Creator, the Source of all light and truth, who is omnipresent. Therefore, God is both internal (in me) and external (outside of me). This is further complicated (or simplified) by the Buddhist mark of existence called “no self” or “anatta”. What happens when a person claims “I have no permanent existence. There is no ‘me’”?The idea of an unchanging, singular ‘self’ becomes an illusion, much like the concept of an immutable & singular identity becomes an illusion, and much like the idea that the ego (the sense of i am) cannot die/be annihilated becomes an illusion. Is it possible that reality reveals itself ONLY after the mind discards all illusions and delusions? Until then, reality is obscured BY illusions and delusions.

It’s an interesting and an intriguing and fascinating story we tell ourselves that the human mind creates human reality or that a fish’s mind creates that fish’s reality, but I think that this story (this myth) feeds illusions and delusions. A fish’s mind cannot allow it to live without water. A human’s mind cannot allow it to live without a body, unless of course one hypothesizes disembodied minds.

Anyway, I’m rambling. Sorry for that.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by dpl

The core delusion is the belief in authority. Larken Rose wrote a great book ' The most dangerous superstition', which shows how the belief in authority has led people to give away their power and responsibility and place that trust in others - the experts e.g Scientists, Doctors, Government , Universities, etc. Over the past 100 years every institution, corporation and Government - organisations full of so called experts - has been infiltrated and corrupted by Freemasons and jewish money power interests through blackmail, Cultural Marxism, Critical Race Theory, and the control of the nation's money supply via central banking.

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Belief can be a trap and can cement one's mind. An open mind, but not open to the point your brains fall out, allows for new evidence and ideas that one can think about and analyze critically. The digital world we are engulfed by today bombards us constantly with so much information we must discern. Lazy minds, or just people who have to survive and get by in this world and are too busy to spend hours researching, so I get it, believe or look to see what someone else thinks about the evidence and that's it...they choose to believe something they are told, or take on someone else's viewpoint they choose to trust. Sounds like from your comment you have a lot of beliefs.

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Sounds like from your comment your arrogant and maybe sniff your own farts too much!

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What are your instincts about what’s happened in the past 100 years being reversed?

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Thank you for all the links. I wasn't fully aware of the no-virus position till over a year ago.

But going down this rabbit hole things make more sense now and my ability to ward off illness has improved now that I'm gaining a better idea of what puts our bodies out of wack.

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I am with you 100% but something is missing…. something DID make people sick in early 2020. I explain my theory with substantial evidence here:


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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

If you look at the actual wave of excessive deaths, it did not start until the vaccine roll out, except for a short lived very isolated spike in Italy and in New York, as well the deaths occurring in homes for the sick and elderly, where it's obvious those sick people were murdered either by lack of treatment or iatrogenic deaths. Consider that the usual seasonal sicknesses were hi-jacked and attributed to covid. In New York specifically, frightened people having panic attacks went to or were delivered to hospitals where they were put on ventilators and killed....more iatrogenic deaths. There is no evidence that "something unknown" was killing people until the vaccine roll-out and the. cause of those deaths are now known...we know very well the vaccines are the weapon/kill shot. 5G, EMFs and chemtrail poisons likely are real, but we need much more evidence to be able to blame them on any spike in deaths that occurred before the vaccine rollout. seasonal deaths that occur every year.

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Stop looking for deaths.... people were made very sick and one Spanish doctor spotted the correlation both geographically and chronologically as early as April 2020.


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What are you basing sickness on...observation or testing?

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Me? I was not involved with Dr Payaras' study, Wendy. If you read it you discover that he acquired his figures from hospital admissions.

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This: Comparisons between different countries of confirmed cases, excluding asymptomatic cases, will be equally reliable. so...what is the diagnosis based on? observation or PCR? What is a confirmed case? What is an asymptomatic case? What is a "case" for that matter? I get that these were all areas where 5G was rolled out, but the evidence is just as specious as that for a viral cause. I'm not saying I know EMFs cannot make people sick...just that I am not seeing the scientific method in the study.

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Which bit of 'hospital admissions' did you fail to understand Wendy?

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Amazing, thank you!

Just what I needed to point the contagionhoax.com web site to.

Absolutely perfect to put the final nail in the Virology coffin.

Proof that there in no virus!

Test is a scam!

We are not contagious!

RIP Virology!

These "Bastards" are finished.

Thank Gino Triggiani for this awesome song!


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Nice work as always!

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If there are two chaps, I have a lot of time for it is Discern and Jamie. Legends!

When are you doing some more interviews Kristen?

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Liked by dpl

Great conversation, thank you, I use this information to educate as many friends as I can to the Germ Theory fraud. Dr Cowan recently did a good presentation on Contagion and the lack of science to support it.



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It is a good one. He discusses Jamie's thread on all the papers disproving transmission. It's the same jamie that's in this interview 😁

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Excellent conversation, gents! I will never get bored listening to information on this topic, and it’s so important to never stop discussing it until the majority of the people across the earth will know these truths. That will be the only way to completely dismantle this hoax.

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Thank you.

Excellent collection of information.

Will re-stack.

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Thanks Deborah🙂

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by dpl

Hi, where can I find more articles by Jamie Andrews? Does he have a source other than Twitter where I can follow him?

I'd like to know if he has done some work on the climate change hoax. Thanks in advance

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Hi Hoezo

Jamie is only available on twitter and his current focus is the pseudoscience of virology. I doubt that he would go to deep into the climate change hoax because it's such an easy fraud. Hit him up on twitter. He is a friendly chap.

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Thanks DPL for your work !

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Fantastic conclusion that says it all!

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I discovered the work of the Perth Group/Eleni nearly 20 years ago. I felt kind of alone wit the knowledge, especially being a gay man in a larger community that clings to the HIV theory like it's holy water. But I still remember reading through their papers, struggling to grasp the technicalities, but realizing a sense of freedom, like when you come to understand one of the lies you've believed is no longer true.

But I honestly didn't think to question ALL of virology. Eleni had to work within the framework of other viruses existing, I believe, to try and dismantle HIV. It just didn't dawn on me that the entire edifice was crap and I suspect she knew that too. What she did with exposing Gallo and Montagnier's original HIV papers was brilliant. We also need to give credit to Dr. Valendar Turner as he was there working with her the entire time.

I really wasn't aware of the problems caused by David Crowe, that's so unfortunate.

But I will say too that she had a long (like 2 years) debate on the BMJ Rapid Response website and if anyone wants to see her interactively debating other scientists, to get a real sense for her brilliance, read through that.

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Hey Christopher! I think we may actually know each other? If yes, it is GREAT to hear from you again! See my bio which is at: https://longtimedissident.substack.com/about (I can be contacted through Twitter; my contact info. is in my bio link, too.)

If I'm wrong about who I think you may be, please forgive my presumptuousness! At any rate, I would like to refer people to the debate you referenced which occurred in the "Rapid Responses" on the web site of the BMJ. It IS still available online! From this landing page at this link: https://bmj.rethinkers.net/ one is able to CHOOSE how to view it. The ENTIRE debate is at this link: https://bmj.rethinkers.net/bmj_debate.html

If you ARE who I think you may be, please consider replying here with a confirmation. I also have my OWN substack now which is at: https://longtimedissident.substack.com/

DPL: I really think this BMJ debate WOULD be a GREAT addition to your list in your post above!

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Hi there. You're name sounds familiar to me but I don't quite remember how to be honest. However, I've started reading your bio page and I'm quite fascinated by your connection with the Perth Group and would love to know more about that.

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Ok, well then, maybe you are NOT who I think you may be ;-) However,, let me ask you THIS, then. Do you not remember "working" with me (on a voluntary basis) on a "AIDS" dissident-centered forum? It was an old-fashioned internet forum -pre-Facebook- on MSN.com....??.... (I was a tad prickly even back THEN, too. LOL!) At any rate, I don't know how much you want to protect your anonymity here, so I don't feel comfortable asking you more questions in public, but I could ask you more in private.....

As for my experiences, the best thing to do might be to listen to everything I have spoken about in the last few months since I "broke my silence" right here on THIS venue with THIS INCREDIBLE HOST and NEW associate (and "partner in crime", so to speak! LOL!)....DPL! Here is the link to a post I made where I have collected links to ALL of my recent "interviews" and audio recordings: https://longtimedissident.substack.com/p/all-interviews-and-other-audio-recordings

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Yes, I was involved with a dissident forum, pre-FB. It's been some time though, back mid-2000s I think.

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Ok I thought so!

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Is there a place we could chat offline?

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Please see my directory of the most important whistleblowers of humanity in this age of deception, the most in depth research of my life and the result of many years of hard work, avoiding lies and their mouthpieces around controlled oppositions whenever I could: https://telestai.substack.com/p/approaching-truth

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Virology is a Scam. No virus has ever been proven to exist, ever. Vaccines make you sick, then Doctors blame your sickness on fake virus, then leading to injecting you with more Vaxx. More sick - more vaxx. On and on till your dead.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Noticeable in it absence i think, Dr Hamer's work objectively proves the cause of ALL disease including the "viral". He is easily available on the internet and there are literally millions of people aware and indeed using his findings to get "well" from all diseases. Why did no one talk about it????? Even Stephan Lanka recognises Hamer's work. It is translated here: www.learninggnm.com

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Yes, German New Medicine, Hamer’s Work, is a vital piece of the illness puzzle. Indeed, it is a must to include in all conversations related to health and illness.

Our trapped emotions, traumas, survival programs and even our beliefs have everything to do with the symptoms experienced in our physical body as well as in our psyche, even more so than our diets and physical exercise. The mind and the subconscious are powerful things and shouldn’t be underestimated. Instead, they must be understood, if we truly desire to thrive and not just survive.

Without addressing this piece of the puzzle, we’ll surely keep missing the mark.

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