Jan 13Liked by dpl

That Griffin video is GOLD, ".... And where is this river of money going?... To gain control over the leaders of these groups....ESPECIALLY THE OPPOSITION!"

Your fighting the good fight DPL, keep kicking the doors down.

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Jan 13Author

ESPECIALLY THE OPPOSITION - Those who are seen to be the people opposing what is happing. This is the most important thing for everyone to understand and the main reason for my frustration. These people are not getting it wrong earnestly. They have a job to do!

We'll keep on keeping on Mia :-)

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Jan 13Liked by dpl

At the bottom of this piece you'll see a 47 second clip of RFK being interviewed by B Weinstein:


This 47 second clip is pretty amazing for the fact that RFK gives a synopsis of the characters involved in what he acknowledges as fake pandemics in the past and then emphasizes that "this (Covid) pandemic", involving the same cast of characters and institutions, is decidely not fake.

That's top tier cognitive dissonance right there. And because he's RFK he'll get a pass on such a clown show comment.

"These past pandemics that used control and propaganda and manipulation of fear which involved Bill Gates, Jeremy Farrar, Christian Drosten, Neill Ferguson, Anthony Fauci, the WHO, the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust were fake. This most recent pandemic- the Godfather of all pandemics- that used control and propaganda and manipulation of fear and was orchestrated by Bill Gates, Jeremy Farrar, Christian Drosten, Neill Ferguson, Anthony Fauci, the WHO, the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust is not fake."

How in the hell do you get away with people taking you seriously when you make such patently ludicrous statements.

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Jan 13Author

Great comment!

He is such a clown. His weaponized bat anus bug is probably his best comedy piece to date 😂🤣

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His undying support for Israeli genocide may be worse.

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His followers see that as a minor side issue.

Guy who runs Childrens Health outfit supports mass murder of Palestinian children.

Makes sense right?

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So very interesting. I really wonder in these families what everyone knows. Does RFK Jnr know his uncle and father's deaths were faked ... or what? I have a theory that Marilyn (her alleged death has the hallmarks of a psyop) and the two brothers set up a menage a trois which seemed very fanciful but I just watched a documentary on Netflix which suggested very strongly that the two men were having active affairs with her ... of course it's hard to know what might be misdirection.


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JFK was probably gay:


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Maybe although straight guys can have strong friendships with gay guys.

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You don’t see that both statements can be true?

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You want to clarify?

They can be true in the world of rank hypocrisy.

Another point here is that most (virtually all) of RFK's mindless groupies think he is opposed to vaccines which he is not.

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Not an RFK groupie. Just trying to figure stuff out. Agree with “no virus” arguments to a point. Having become quite ill with “something” in Fall 2020, would like to know WTH it was. I lean towards Sasha Latapova’s explanation. What ticks me off about the no virus camp, is they have no satisfactory alternative answer to anything, really. And their quick write-off of anyone and everyone as a gatekeeper is rather tiresome. Can it possibly be that some people are actually trying to help?

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13

You do realize that people get sick all of the time and get in ways like never before all the itme?

The reasons people get sick are numerous and usually multi-factorial.

As long as people look to the sky and think some invisible submicroscopic particle floating through the air is the reason for their illness they will never know why.

Completely insane that people hold this belief.

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Maybe so, but maybe not - that’s really just your opinion

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No you're wrong. That's your way of sticking your head in the sand.

Has nothing to do with "an opinion" and all to do with decades of research and reading source documents.

You can't make a logical argument so you fall back on such idiotic logical fallacies.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13Liked by dpl

Massey put Holland against the ropes and punched her into such a drunken state, all I could hear was, "Rob...er, RF, yu know, my workkk, we, we, Rf, ya know, ll we're not aganst no-virs, monye, my work, ya know, life, your rigth Christen, a my slaary, ugg, loans to pay,, sory I'm slepy,. well ok next question."

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Jan 13Author


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Jan 14Author

Hi Faiez

I'm a fellow South African. I've seen some of your work and really enjoyed it. We must tie up some time if possible.

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Greetings dpl. Nice to meet you. Thanks for your kind words. Appreciated. Yes absolutely we must chat sometime. Let me know when you will be available. Best.

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Jan 14·edited Jan 15Author

Hi Faiez

Send me an email at #### and we can pick up the conversation there 😊

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Fitts was hilarious. Apparently, as long as viruses that don’t exist aren’t used fraudulently, it’s no problem? She needs to explain how that's possible. Lol.

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When I want a Science Break-down, I go to a fat Investment Banker. 😍😂😂🤣

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I read through the complete list in the linked post and yours is a superset of mine. There are quite a few names on yours that I had not yet heard of. Very interesting.

I'm not a researcher per se. I spot clues in what people say and do. And I have often relied upon corrupt (gatekeeper) sources for information. I started out, in 1981, at age 31, wondering how to tell who was telling me the truth and who was not. What I discovered was the art of extracting truth while spitting out lies, an imperfect process but very useful. Kind of like eating certain fruits. I had to do this because I began to see in retrospect that much of what I have learned that has proven true over time, I learned about from liars speaking half-truths.

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Jan 12Author

Please send a link to your list. I'd like to have a look. I might see something I can add

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I don't publish my list anywhere, but I can go through yours and pick out the names that I have flagged as "something's not right here".

My list also includes a good many names from past experience -- i.e. making mistakes and then eventually recognizing and correcting them -- stretching back 60 years, names hardly anyone would recognize today.

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OK, below is my list of my matches with your _The Gatekeeper's Club_ post. Some of these are eye rollers, but I'm not indicating that here. I should say first that I didn't spot problems with all of these right away. I followed many of them for a while and got to know something about them. Some I still follow and learn from, cautiously, and leave comments on their blogs, although my interest is waning. Some I avoid like the plague.

Obviously, viral pathogens are a big issue, and one that took me a long time to decide about. There is still more I would like to know. But for a long time I have taken the view that there exists virus-like stuff that has been studied but erroneously classified as pathogenic. My stand has been that researchers are seeing something, but they fail to understand what it is or what it's doing there. This parallels the problem with microscopic organisms such as bacteria being frequently regarded as "germs", and people being conditioned to kill as many of them as possible, on them, in them, and in their surroundings. That is a VERY bad idea.

It does come down to "what can you demonstrate scientifically?", and the answers seems to be "not much, if anything" for quite a bit of what is being claimed. The problem is much broader than the treatment of microorganisms, but those are a major focus in this list. All scientific claims are in need of examination and testing. Nothing coming out of science should be taken as true based upon the word of "authorities". And yet that is the situation we have.

On to my list…

Judy Mikovits (helped me understand the "conspiracy theorist" accusations at my (former) church, accusations and complaints directed at "Plandemic" video promoters, but she immediately raised SO many flags in my mind; not really a very good actor I would say)

David E Martin (this one's a "not sure" -- some bounce off without much notice and the name sounds familiar but that's all)

Mikki Willis

The Vigilant Fox

Team Enigma

Dolores Cahill (not sure)

Dr Roger Hodkinson

Dr Bryan Ardis

Dr Pierre Kory

Dr Sheri Tenpenny

Dr Carrie Madej

Dr Christiane Northrup

Dr Jane Ruby

Dr. Rashid Buttar (not sure)

Dr. Paul Marik

Stephanie Seneff

Michael Yeadon

Sasha Latypova

Ivor Cummins (his information has helped me in the past, in dealing with certain health problems, but I reached a point where I had to move on to someone better qualified, an "unconventional" MD that knew what to measure and didn't just prescribe poison pills)

Steve Kirsch

Kevin McKernan

Jordan Peterson

Reiner Fuellmich

Project Veritas

Whitney Alyse Webb

Jeremy Nell (Jerm Warfare)

Peter McCullough


Robert Malone

Ed Dowd

Norman Fenton

Stew Peters

Tucker Carlson

Anderson Cooper (not sure)

Vladimir Zelenko

The Corbet Report

Mike Adams

Del Bigtree

Sacha Stone

Alex Jones

Karen Kingston

David Icke (from WAY back)

Donald Trump

I'm sure I'll add more, and I could possibly remove a few -- don't know about that. But I'm not waging a campaign against them. I do tend to caution others that bring up -- in face-to-face conversation -- any of these names as people they follow.

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Jan 14Author

It takes some doing working through all those names but at the end it's nice to know that we don't have to waste our time on them anymore.

Have you seen Will's list? His is quite impressive.


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Jan 12Liked by dpl

I am old enough to remember the Mad Magazine that was popular in the 60s and 70s. It's a Mad Mad World and decades later it's Madder!! I get weary of of it all. Truth is difficult to prove in this fallen world that we inhabit because of the darkness that is constantly in opposition to truth. This is our lot in life for this time frame in the earth's existence.

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My fave was "Spy vs. Spy".

All that double and triple crossing stuff... you didn't know who to believe. 🤪

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I was thinking about the general resistance to curiosity this morning.

It seems curious folk are willing to look out from their vantage point and inspect the landscape features being presented by a new narration/explanation. They don’t find it threatening to encounter a new perspective.

The non-curious are myopic and if your put them on the top of a mountain and stand behind them and point out peaks and valleys - they can’t follow along. The new landscape is clouded in mist too them. These are the naive and wilfully ignorant.

Gatekeepers won’t even go the the top of the mountain. They like their rivers BANKed or dammed so the money flows.

So cheers to the adventurers who maintain their sense of curiosity. May it lead you to discoveries that benefit us all.

My contribution:

We breathe air not oxygen

Oxygen is poisonous and toxic.

Find out why oxygen is prescribed primarily for the terminally ill and not for breathlessness.

Palliative care is not kind!

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Jan 13Liked by dpl

It seems that we are susceptible to basic sleight of hand usually employed by magicians as N.A. and illusionists.

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Being susceptible is one thing but when you try to explain the sleight of hand and still get resistance it's incredibly annoying.

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Jan 13Liked by dpl

Agreed! My family clings to the illusion as if it’s made of granite when it is only a trick of light.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 13Liked by dpl

"I think it is obvious by now that I like to write about the gatekeepers, but I don’t think others see the importance of it as clearly as I do."

I do and I hear you, dpl.

Brilliant video from G. Edward Griffin - I've heard his name but this has certainly prompted me to look him up. Interestingly, when I try to explain to a friend how all the people pushing the real death and injury narrative on 9/11 are actors she demands to know, "Who pays for all these people?" My thinking is it's just us punters one way or another but now I have a much better answer!

You may have wasted 6 months on Judy but you only have to waste time the once and you've learnt your lesson forever. In my case, although I knew absolutely zero about the anti-germ theory movement as soon as covid hit I knew from what I'd learnt from 9/11 that:

*** There would be no virus because in psyops they do what they want for real and fake the rest and I knew they didn't want a virus they only wanted us to believe in one. This MO works so well for two reasons:

--- generally what they want us to believe wouldn't work in reality (according to my conventional understanding of viruses I knew a "real virus" wouldn't work even if I lacked the fundamental understanding of why!)

--- the less propaganda corresponds with reality a la Emperors New Clothes, the better it works - when they dupe you right in your face it means greater power for them. Not so powerful to do something for real to make us believe it .... unless of course they want it. It's all about magician's tricks, it's all about mind control.

*** They would push out masses of controlled opposition so as soon as anyone came along contradicting the mainstream narrative with something that didn't include "no virus" I knew they would be controlled opposition - sometimes it's hard to work out the paid actors compared to those who are genuine but just tend to naturally fall into CO-type arguments (because often the actual truth being in such total contradiction to the lie being told people find confronting which confers a taboo quality) but ultimately what's important is not to identify the agents but to know the truth. Then again, generally agents give themselves away deliberately as Judy and Reiner do. I have friends who are totally on board with the gain of function and there's nothing I can say to dissuade them.

I've written articles that expose controlled opposition that no one else has identified as far as I can tell. Chelsea Manning is an agent and Collateral Murder was faked and the alleged false flag proposal that is "Operation Northwoods" is a complete fabrication. I've also shown that the people who came out and said we didn't go to the moon are agents, two notables being Bill Kaysing and Dave McGowan. On the very odd occasion when they tell a truth that seems implausible (the moon landings being the only example I can think of) they will exploit that situation against those who typically disbelieve by encouraging their misplaced disbelief in order both to dupe them (they really love duping us, of course, believers and disbelievers alike) and to undermine them when they call out the real lies.



https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/critical-thinking-the-moon-landings-5bb (first part of article)

I've just looked at Mark Crispin Miller's latest article on a journalist allegedly killed in a Ukraine jail. Now this may well have happened, I have no idea, I've never seen this journalist's name before, don't know a thing about it but I find it frustrating the way people give no signs whatsoever that they have even considered that the journalist might be an agent and the whole thing is staged.

When I realised that Collateral Murder was faked I wanted to go to experts just to confirm so I approached Veteran for Peace, Vince Emanuele, whom I'd seen speak in Sydney and on whose every word I'd hung. His lack of response made me suspicious so I looked up his talk which had usefully been recorded and realised he was an agent because what he said in the talk didn't add up Revelation-of-the-Method style. This is our exchange on Messenger.


Also, called out our local Stand in the Park guy (CO group against the lockdowns) who seemed so kosher but recorded himself talking about a visit to Afghanistan which clearly did not add up ROTM-style.

Also, called out completely staged event to the President of the Association of the Victims of the Bologna Station Bombing 1980, Italian MP, Paolo Bolognesi, author of book, Order out of Chaos - yeah, really. Of course, he didn't respond to my email.

So yeah, I'm totally onboard with the importance of CO and it's good to see someone else who gets its importance.

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Jan 13Author

Thanks for your detailed comment. It adds a lot more value to the article. I'll defs check out some of your links 💪

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Read his/her 'Moon Landing was real post', and save a lot of effort dealing with a 'team' of insidious poseurs.

Petra does write seemingly insightful and sincere things, sometimes- all of which you've already heard before. Standard tactics of insidious shills.

Her/His account also links with Everlyn Brunswick (what a character!- self confessed SPY, with MPD who originates from another Dimension & has an alter called Karen 🙄😂 )

They all seem connected to Francis Leader, an old skool fear pusher involved with 'partition and data-mining' /controlled op fronts like CND , Amnesty & Greenpeace.

Just ask an awkward question beyond their remit and watch them crumble.

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Jan 12Liked by dpl

my BS-feelers get itchy when the alleged experts need more than a 5 minute-video to get their point across. recognising many of the names mentioned here, their videos take much too long to make themselves clear (too much acting, too much text). my 2cents: the relative long-reads on substack might just be more reliable....

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Yes the feeling of waffle is a pretty good indicator I think.

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the feeling of waffle..... HAH!!! :-))

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Arnold Ehret is the man to read re health and terrain theory. A German Naturopath born 1866 lived to the mid 1920s . He was definitely ahead of his time

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I had the book in the 1980s , my great uncle was a fan of Arnold Erett , he put out two books that I know of . I am relying on memory about this man apologies. He was ahead of his time .

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What is the best introductory post you can recommend which explains in simple terms the hypothesis that virus don't exist and never have? Ideally also one that provides clear evidence and explains said evidence in layman's terms. Many thanks.

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Jan 14Author

In my opinion the below article explains it best. The lead up to it is the "Hacking At The Root Of the Virus Lie" article (just to explain the importance of virology's foundational claim).


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Mucous free fasting by Arnold Erett in the 1920s will “ clear” up Terrain Theory for people. A 100 year old book worth bloody reading not all this new age stuff , some good info some crap in the modern books on these subjects.

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Jan 14Author

Thanks David

You wouldn't happen to have a link to it handy?

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Arnold Ehret sorry I am still a Luddite with linking stuff . He is easy to find online though surprisingly still .

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On another, but related topic (health), Nina Teiholz of Unsettled Science Substack describes what is happening with these professionals who refuse to understand the gravity of their poor decision-making on crucial information.

“Indeed, Willett’s career can be seen as a case study in how a person’s beliefs can lead them into a web of financial, corporate and even ideological interests aligned with those beliefs. Over the course of a 30-year career, these fuse together into a single piece, a set of golden handcuffs for the mind. Evidence to the contrary might exist, but the researcher either ignores it or finds a way to dismiss it as insignificant.”

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Thanks for an informative substack and some important comments. I'm just curious - who is "dpl003", I'm new to this substsck platform, and wondered if there is full name the author writes under. Thanks

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Jan 13Author

Hi Roger

Thanks for your comment. There is no info on me out there as I prefer my anonymity.

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Ok, thanks for the prompt reply

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