I would like to draw a distinction here, only because some people dismiss the nanobot stuff as just another 'virus'-type hoax. I look at the self-assembling, self-replicating nanobot idea as something entirely different and separate from the biological stuff we discuss ('viruses,' bacteria, the human body, cells, the brain). Humans have a really poor record of trying to harness natural systems to do their bidding. We don't even understand (after all this time) how those systems work, even on a basic level, or even understand what they are composed of...

But.... we do understand how CPUs work. Electrical circuits. Wireless microwave control and communications. Because humans built those systems from the ground up. And as time has gone on, we have made them smaller and smaller, and more and more powerful and energy efficient. The average 'smart' phone these days has immensely more computing power than a mainframe computer that took up a whole building 50 years ago... My 'smart' phone that is a few years old (which I never use unless absolutely necessary) has 64GB RAM, while the laptop I am typing this on (15 years old) has only 8GB RAM and a much slower processor.

So I know 2 things for sure: governments want to weaponize this nanobot technology (against their own people if nothing else), and human 'ingenuity' is making it more and more likely to be possible.

I also think some of the people in this 'space' generally are trying to do real science: actually using microscopes to investigate this stuff and try to figure out what is going on. Like this Karl C. substack:


Do I think he's possibly missing some alternate explanations for things, and maybe is wrong about some things? Yes... But he is seeing some compelling, creepy stuff. And if you look at the 'scientific literature' there is no doubt that there is a lot of worldwide interest in creating and harnessing these nanobots, quantum dots, hydrogels, 'internet of bodies' etc. I HOPE it's all impossible, but the trajectory of this sort of technology to be more and more powerful, and smaller and smaller (with computers etc) makes me think it's just a matter of time... whether or not is occurring right at this moment. I just think it's something we should keep an eye on.

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I think it's silly to dismiss what people are seeing through their microscopes. There are some very experienced people looking and know at least some of what they're looking at.

Here's a list of substacks :

carnicom institute

matt j.a.o.b

Karl C

David Nixon

Will The Micronaut

SAM'S Substack

I've had Morgellons ( more accurately renamed Cross Domain Bacteria disease) for over fifteen years and there were many people looking at synthetic organisms many years ago and being dismissed. Now we know it's everywhere and in all life forms.

It's unwise to dismiss something simply because we don't yet understand it. I also think it's highly possible, as I witnessed as well years ago, that anything can be exploited and used to obscure the truth. Especially pieces of the truth mixed with lies.

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I dismiss the dismissers of nanotech, at this point. Since the rollout of these superpoison jabs, I've noticed several things that I don't dismiss and no one will move me off of my observations. I point blank asked the funeral director when my jabbed father died if he had white, rubbery clots that blocked the embalmers' fluid. He knew exactly what I was talking about and was reluctant to answer, but confirmed that yes, he did have them.

Since that one event (jabs) I have had many weird bodily reactions that I attribute to "shedding" and most recently, had a bout of what I thought was shingles. I did everything for shingles relief, to some extent working, but it wasn't until I switched tactics and started to treat whatever it was as a synthetic parasite (based on Karen Kingston's research) that I actually made any progress. I then started noticing things coming out of my skin and sensations that I can only describe as "bugs" underneath the skin.

Simultaneously, I have also been documenting the skies being sprayed with garbage out of the backs of planes. After heavy spraying, I observe the reactions of my body. It clearly reacts to whatever poison is being sprayed. I have tried to wake people up to this, but many cannot/willingly refuse to see what's literally in front of them.

I watched a Healing for the Ages conference by Bryan Ardis, and many other "Gatekeepers" as this Substack calls them, which focused heavily on detoxing oneself from all of this poison. I have employed many of their techniques (not the supplements, I don't buy those) and have gained great relief, so, at this point, naysayers to the biotech stuff are of little to no value, in my opinion. I take results over opinions any day.

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I think this is an important sort of meeting taking place here between the 'no virus' people and the nanoparticle people, so I would not dismiss the people like DPL who are laser-focused on provable objective reality. They are realizing that the fabric of our 'reality' for the past 100 years or more has been completely fake and fraudulent: by that I mean 'viruses.' So once you realize how big this scam is, with the many many fake 'virus pandemics' and all the poison vaccines and pharmaceuticals, and all the entirely fraudulent branches of 'science' like virology and vaccinology and maybe even DNA / genetics.... you want to dig back through the layers of garbage, lies, and nonsense to get to the core truths that are actually provable (or at least not obvious frauds). And one layer of fraud / hypothetical models / assumptions are built on another, layer after layer. Even DNA is just a hypothetical model, and pretty damned questionable one at that, yet look at everything that has been built on it-- people are executed based on 'DNA evidence' and entire 'pandemics' like 'HIV' and 'covid' are built on it........

But at the end of the day both of our groups (the nanoparticle researchers and the 'virus' exposers / vaccine-pharmaceutical poison researchers) are really looking for the same thing-- objective truth about what is going on and stopping the fraud and hysteria and mass-poisoning of the planet (nanoparticles, chemicals, vaccines, whatever).

Now MY concern about the nanoparticle people is that it's sort of the Wild West in that area. I read all those substacks also, with an open mind. But all the time I'm thinking 'this is like virology back in the 1930s and 40s. before it became a standardized fraud with the cultures and then antibody and PCR nonsense.' People are seeing a sickness, assuming it is something, and looking at things in microscopes and that's great, so long as you aren't missing the actual explanation for things.

For example, a huge one that I always bring up is Polio. It was caused by nerve poison pesticides and vaccine ingredients, but was blamed on a 'virus,' leading to all this garbage we are dealing with today with 'HIV' and 'covid' and all the poison vaccines for fake viruses, etc. So my concern is that people might see something and jump to a conclusion that is actually not warranted while missing the real cause.

Here is an example. Karl C has talked about how he has suffered bone and tooth loss the past few years. He assumes it's the nanobots. But he has also talked about how he drinks 2 or 3 liters of coffee a day. I love (organic, fresh roasted) coffee, but the fact is that it has a lot of phytic acid in it (and so do all seeds, and many otherwise healthy foods like blueberries and chocolate and nuts). Phytic acid forms Phytates which act as a slow-release storage for minerals for seeds (so they have nutrients during the long sprouting process). But they also can act as a chelator if you eat them, robbing you of minerals. You can see where I'm going with this, but if you are eating a lot of foods rich in phytates then you could very well get mineral deficiencies... This is a much more likely explanation than nanobots. So I would want to rule out the obvious stuff first, if that makes sense.

And your situation that you just described. Another common 'healthy food' problem is Oxalic acid and Oxalates (in spinach, nightshades). When you eat foods with oxalic acid, it goes throughout the body and forms crystals. Most notably kidney stones, but they can form in the eyes and cause eye problems, in the skin and cause skin itching and problems, in the joints and cause joint pain. Karl C went on a thing for a while about studying his urine and seeing crystals. Well, I want to know that those crystals are NOT something obvious like Oxalate crystals. In fact, the way to get rid of oxalates from your body is to eat lime/lemon juice regularly. So he has been taking sodium citrate. Is it simply flushing the oxalate crystals out of this body and into his urine, and maybe THAT is what he is finding there? I don't know, but it NEEDS to be ruled out.

Histamines in (otherwise healthy) fermented foods (sauerkraut, etc) can cause the 'bugs under the skin' itching, for another example.

Personally, I am also having the worse flare-up of eczema I've had in decades. Ever since I got a lot of horrible vaccines in the military I have struggled with this, but have managed to basically get it under control until a few months ago. It suddenly got really bad and nothing I have done helps. But before I jump to the nanoparticle conclusion, I want to check everything that I'm doing and eating and see what might have changed. So that's what I'm doing right now. I fully accept that it might be nanoparticle shedding, but I need to rule out the more obvious explanations first. And it very well could be one of those things.

Example: I started eating more cheese, but have found out that even most organic cheese is made with a GMO enzyme that can cause skin reactions, headaches, etc. So now I'm eliminating cheese entirely for now (unless I can find a raw, grass-fed, non-GMO cheese). Just to make sure it's not that. Because it could be something as simple as that.

But generally speaking I think we are on the same team here!

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Excellent and thourough answer. I appreciate it and you have given me a lot to think about which is always a good thing.

From dealing with Morgellons/CDB for so many years and watching conclusion develop and dissolve as well as protocols, I agree that conclusions, even greatly desired ones that are badly needed, cannot be jumped into.

I just don't see why anyone really needs to become so attached to their idea(s) they believe their attachment cancels other ideas. Other than ego which we all battle or succumb to on occasion.

I have dealt with the nanotech directly so know it's real. What is in someone's urine I don't know about and reserve conclusion pending further information.

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I've read some of your comments here and there about your condition... truly a nightmare. I hope you can defeat it. I agree about ego, it's a big problem. Except for recently on substack, I had never heard anything about Morgellons except back almost 20 years ago there was a segment on a mainstream TV program about it, if you can believe it (I think it was 60 Minutes). I still remember that... The idea of it is horrible.

Honestly, I have a suspicion that nanoparticles+EMF/RF will be the next (probably biggest, and possibly final) assault on living things after the pesticides and vaccines and other chemical poisons of the past century or two. This is more insidious, widespread, and remote-controllable. The thing that creeps me out the most in those microscopy substacks is seeing the little quantum dots (or whatever they are) swarming around in the blood...

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Thanks for your kind thoughts. I have managed to live for years with this crap and it hasn't killed me yet. I have found various forms of relief in different protocols but nothing has been a cure. I have hopes.

There are many protocols many people are trying now which broadens the field of possibilities, but I also think this is a much larger picture and we have miles to go.

Those QDs are so creepy. So very, very busy.

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Nanotech is real, as is its ability to disrupt living organisms. Beyond that, the details can be murky. I like to see evidence accompanying claims, and not just micrographs of things that neither the original observers nor I recognize. Such evidence may exist, but I'm still looking. I'm also not sure that optical microscopes are the best tool for the job.

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If you want to see verified information based on rigorous experimentation on nanotech, you can delve into the 20 + years of published investigation into synthetic biology which includes nanotech by visiting : carnicominstitute.org

Clifford Carnicom has been researching and publishing what has been sprayed and introduced into all living things. He is working with Karl and everyone else as their work adds to his work. It is verifiably real and has actively invaded and is trying to co-opt our bodies and the biology of all life. This isn't in question any longer, but the mechanisms and harms to our natural biology as well as mitigation and possible cures are the questions being currently explored.

There will be many dead ends in the exploration for answers, but that's the scientific process of elimination. Hopefully no one will become so attached to their ideas they lead themselves or others astray since that would be a waste of time and resources and it seems to me we can't afford this. That's what I pray for. That God guides these scientists, be they laymen or experts, as God in His infinite wisdom sees fit.

As I stated, I have been plagued by synthetic biology for over 15 years that I am aware of and I have removed millions of the same synthetic organisms/structures from my body that we see through the microscopes, which have grown in size that I can see with the naked eye as can anyone and I can testify it is real and it is harmful. God Bless.

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Hi Tom,

Small clarification here. That was me drinking that volume of coffee and no bone loss so far. Some of the crystals i have seen in the urine are definitely uric and other normal ones ( makes sense) but others are not normal urine crystals.

As I posted above check out "kiwi in the crowd" s substack. I have met her ( a real person) and the " eczema" she had major issues with was resolved once she knew what she actually was dealing with. Others are also now having these results.

Goof luck, and I hope it helps.


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Thanks Matt, I'll check it out. (and sorry about the coffee thing, I guess I have been reading a lot of these and got mixed up)

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Hi Tom, Kiwi here, a real New Zealander, but choosing an anonymous route online for many reasons. I can confirm that my body is 100% ‘eczema’ free, though I have to use hydrogen peroxide top ups to keep it that way (as well as a very restricted diet and limited EMF exposure). The volume of tech exiting my body through my skin is phenomenal. I’ve also noticed many people in my social circle struggling with skin problems that are not responding to any of the usual things that have previously worked for them. Good luck on your journey Tom :)

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You're exactly right as far as I know about nano tech and ameliorating protocols. Chemtrails and the rest. Synthetic biology has taken over our bodies and the bodies of all living things.

I'm sorry about your father. We are all losing family members and friends and it does chaff my booty when people dismiss out of hand because they want to be "right" or even possibly more nefarious motivations. We don't have the luxury of that.

It sounds like you are working to help yourself and sharing what you've learned with others. That's more valuable than any platform or argument.

Keep telling everyone what you know as long as it doesn't harm you to do so. Everytime a voice is heard, a true voice, it helps. If people are lying their lies will destroy them though it's worthwhile to call them out. The truth will shine a light on deception and fewer will stumble.

I appreciate your comment. Thanks. God Bless.

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check out "kiwi in the crowd" on substack. A real person who got relief.

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This goes way deeper than you could ever imagine.

They want us to think what they tell us in this article is what the future may bring, but as usual, they have already been using it. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/energy/a42419268/6g-power-humans-antennas/

For the whole puzzle pieced together, check out this link: https://gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com/electronic-warfare-explained-sabrina-wallace-videos/

Some people know about all or most of this and are trying to share it with the public as much as they can, and many others are coming across it daily. Then you have people who don’t even want to acknowledge let alone talk about it.

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Way deeper and for far longer. I have exhausted countless hours almost every single day since 2020 researching rabbit hole after rabbit hole, compiling and discerning everything I come across. The one thing that stands out is this: everything "they" (defined as the usual suspects: govts, their paymasters, industries like pharma, finance, tech, and all their mouthpieces) say that they are GOING to do, has already been done. For example, g00gle many years ago said that they would start compiling your data, and you had the option to opt out. At that point, they had already compiled at least 2 years worth of data on every single person that had used their products, or even linked to someone else using their products. Joe Biden just said they were going to research blocking out the sun for "climate change", basically just confirming decades worth of chemtrail "conspiracies" into fact. Just look up, you can plainly see they've been doing it.

The level of planning by these parasites is mind boggling, but, I guess if one just sits around plotting the demise of humankind, and does nothing else, then one WOULD be pretty far along.

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The level of planning is mind boggling. That’s why most people can’t wrap their heads around it.

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But what I don't get is, those 'people' doing this stuff (the nanoparticle infestation of the entire biosphere)-- they have to live in this same environment they are making unlivable......

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I know. That has me stumped. The only thing I can imagine that they have is a technology that counteracts the negative effects, thereby protecting themselves. Or maybe they’re some other form of being that can tolerate anything they throw at us. We’ll probably never know if they are untouchable or they really are, but don’t give a damn because power, greed and control is most important to them than their own well-being. I lean heavily towards the former.

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Possibilities include the "I'll never get caught" (or "I'll never get clobbered by this") mentality of which the human mind is quite capable, or they want to die and take everyone else with them.

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Very sure. We have been alerting the world since 2021. Our research has uncovered it all. See my substack

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Agree completely about the nefarious possibilities, government operations to douse the environment with aerosol nano particlulate in atmosphere, water, soil and the injectables, etc. interactions with the various EMF spectrum wavelengths. Something is up and it’s not for our benefit.

the Carnicom institute Substack has also done some interesting research (sometimes collaborating with Dr. Ana) but I would not take or recommend any of these products/ supplements.

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I have said the same thing for at least a year now. My roommate had had just about enough of my research nonsense, so, the day the drones showed up in the night sky, he reluctantly went outside to debunk me and shut me down. Instead, he grabbed a telescope (a gift from a relative that none of us had used) and came out to get a better look. When I pointed out that these were military drones, and the corresponding low satellites in the sky, the blood drained from his face, he got quiet and went back inside. He confirmed that they are military drones, as he works in an industry that would know. Since that night, more drones have shown up, every night overhead, clearly taking readings of some sort, slowly sweeping the night sky. It's gotten so ridiculous that at this point, I cannot tell what is a star, planet or satellite anymore. The drones are easily spotted, because they fly low,

As you said, they aren't there for humanity's benefit.

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Microscopes are not enough. When examining circuitry, one has to know what it looks like. This is rather far removed from my specialties, but I have in the somewhat distant past worked alongside circuit and layout designers (I provided design automation software support) and I have some idea of what microelectronic components look like, how they are manufactured, and how the designers talk about them.

When I listen to these "gatekeepers", however, they seem to have no understanding of what they are looking at. Rather, they give their "impressions". Some refer to patents, which need not have any connection with actual products. I did see a single video of a conversation among several people, one of whom claimed to be an electrical engineer. He may well have been one, but he did not claim to be familiar with microelectronics design either.

I don't know what new information may have turned up recently, because I stopped watching the videos or reading the transcripts quite some time ago. I was suspicious from the beginning because nobody was brought in that could properly examine the evidence. It proved a a waste of time to follow these people, and I moved on.

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Yes, I agree. That's the same impression I get with them. For example, they constantly point out rectangular-shaped crystals (made of what exactly?) and say they are 'microchips'... and maybe some sort of fiber might attach to it and that becomes a big deal (like it's a control wire or something). I don't see anything like electric circuits in those crystals (although, who can say without greater magnification). However, those little lit up dots swarming around (much smaller than blood cells, but still big enough to be visible) and the fibers and hydrogels are cause enough for concern...

I sort of regret giving the CPU example in my earlier comment because that's not really what is going on with the nanobot idea. If anything, they are tiny super-simple machines that react to various electromagnetic influences (visible light, magnetic fields, RF, whatever) to do... things. So really the higher level electronic and computational and algorithmic stuff will be going on (hypothetically) outside the body (the person's cell phone, a tower, a satellite, etc), and sending electromagnetic influences to the nanobots to tell them what to do. And these little machines in the body could be doing all sorts of things like building fibrous clots, conductive networks, dispensing poison drugs, who knows (hypothetically).

Yes, those papers sound like science fiction, and it's hard to know what these lunatics have actually done in real life vs what they imagine they can do or want to do. (And I constantly remind myself that it could all be based on computer modeling / fraud nonsense assumptions like virology, with no basis in physical reality). It seems to me that the most likely to be possible are the really simple machines, which are basically switches. But who can say if a bunch of these tiny simple things can combine to do more complicated things, etc.

But I think we can't ignore this idea, because what if... people might have thought splitting atoms to make a huge explosion was impossible until it was done... The potential for mayhem with this nanobot junk is absolutely immense IF they are able to do it. And they are trying really hard. Now nanoparticles, on the other hand, seem to have been in use for some time now and have all sorts of toxic effects on their own and could present huge problems without any of this assembly stuff...

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Thank you a gazillion times dpl. This stuff is mind blowing & very real. Dangerous substances. I shudder to think I took massive amounts of supplements from around 2018-2023. Almost a year later and I feel better not to mention my wallet is not so light. Uhh. Better to know, face the facts, and call these people out.

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Feb 13Author

Definitely Pamela. We learn more each day and adjust our approach

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It’s not easy to admit you’ve been wrong when you figure out new things. It’s the reason why more people don’t have the fucking backbone to tell the truth. Pride.

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Feb 15Liked by dpl

YES! This means more GATEKEEPERS to add to the every-growing list.

I've had gnawing issues with most of these, but now I understand why. I just wasn't smart enough to put it together, so Thank YOU.

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If nature did not create it then it does not belong in or on your body. If an account on any social media platform is actively selling ANYTHING, research it. With these two rules in mind we can protect our health and our finances.

I have fallen for scams, who hasn't? But I learned, the hard way, to only trust nature and to be aware that human nature is inclined to be lazy and avaricious, especially given that living in a materialistic civilisation can easily corrupt us away from a healthy life style. There will always be fashions and fads, quick fixes and miracle cures on offer, as long as there are profit junkies and wannabe millionaires among us.

On his death bed my uncle, a wealthy diamond trader, praised me for studying herbal medicine and added: "Health is much more valuable than wealth!" It was a moment I have tried to bear in mind ever since.

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Feb 29Author

Great advice Frances. Imagine being a billionaire who is having problems after taking the vaccine... The easiest research anyone can do to improve health and they didn't know about it because they don't do research. But then I also think about the possibility that these rich people have information that prevent them from making such blatant mistakes...

And this process of us poisoning ourselves seem to never end... it just goes on with vitamins and nanoparticle laced BS and preventive meds and, and, and!

And the most interesting is the fact that I have people yelling in my comments that I should be sued for harassment (LMFAO). But don't focus on the people doing the poisoning! How is that for a self-correcting "poison for profit" system.

But! We crack on!

Thanks for your comment, Frances. Always nice hearing from you.

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Feb 12Liked by dpl

Perfect timing DPL!

I spent a dozen hours researching this topic the past few days.

Thank you again for compiling so much in one report!

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

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Feb 12Author

Doug your continued efforts to get the word out is encouraging man. Every time I see one of your posts it lifts my spirit 💪💪💪

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Feb 12Liked by dpl

Exactly the same here!

Keep pushing forward, I know we are making difference!

In spite of all the newly exposed gate keeping clowns!


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Feb 14Liked by dpl

Interesting, I recently found Mihalcea while researching hydrogels on Substack. I quickly brushed her off as not entirely credible, but then got sucked into these darkfield microscopy blogs. Though it took a while to realize what I (might) be looking at, I then became convinced that it was indeed synthetic biology. Hydrogel tech is highly advanced and all kinds of nanomaterials can be self assembled in organic living bodies, forming soft machine tissues, wireless communication interfaces, transhumanism, inorganic cells, singularity.

I dove deeper into Mihalcea and though her links to genuine scientific research are valuable and back up her thesis, I became concerned when she revealed herself to be a strident member of a cult saturated in ecomillenarian imagery. I immediately thought to myself, her cult was a psyop back in the day and she is a psyop right now, an intelligence asset. In other words she could be a limited hangout, or a revelation of the method. That's why these people expose the nanoscale transhumanization agenda, while recommending more nano materials as the cure.

One of the more respectable of these microscopy blogs is Scipio Eruditus, but again this author is steeped in religious (Christian) millenarianism. I left a comment on his blog yesterday and one of the crankiest of the darkfield people, 420MedicineMan, popped up to tell me that colloidal gold binds with THC and CBD to create a hydrogel busting superparticle. Hmmm.

The first person to pique my interest in COVID vaccines as nanotech vehicles was Sasha Latypova, some time ago. I stopped reading her too. Maybe I am being too harsh, but I lost faith when I realized that almost all the alt media leaders in COVID criticism - Berenson, Wolf, Rose, Chudov to name a few - all identify as Jewish. These are the people bravely standing against the vaccination campaign, which was most enthusiastically embraced by...Israel.

There is also someone named SAM who has incredible videos of the nanotech (?). SAM is also pimping methylene blue. https://sam368.substack.com/

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14Author

Here is something I am working on slowly. Thanks for your comment.


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Is right. You just need to realize how they talk about the external part as dangerous (hydrogel) and what they have introduced into the hydrogel, which is what is causing the deaths, they try to avoid naming it, graphene. It is False Dissidence

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Thanks for your work dpl.

I am also "vitamin Free" been about 7 mos. now.

One huge aspect is also the mfg. of these products . Inferior steel leaching out all metals during the process.

Perhaps you read Agent131711’s Substack

Outstanding research.

This one on V-C


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Feb 14Author

Agent131711 is an absolute beast. The time he spends on researching this is wild! I take my hat off to the man.

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I do wine and Native American tobacco grown here on the Indian Reservation in the evening.

Maybe I should switch to his brand of whisky and a cigar?!

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I grow my own Hopi and Inca tobacco. Medicine. The only wine for me now is stones green ginger and that's due to my reasonably scientific studies on morg removal with it plus seeing the blood of someone who is a dedicated fan of it.

My experiment with a substantial amount of 60 proof whisky on the other hand has left me with permanent damage due to the release of large clumps of morgs in a vein that did eventually clear out, but has now collapsed. I feel for binge drinkers who don't know.

My cohuba's are now infrequent due to cost unfortunately.

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Hi Matt

Very interesting about the stones green ginger wine. Never had it but will look for it when in town. Yes, same here the tobacco is grown on the reservations. The wine is also made here.

My gosh! So sorry hearing about the 60 proof whisky.

Thanks for all you do!

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Some good information in the vitamin c article for those that haven't researched, and there is also a lot of misinformation and misleading information. As is typical, it's another case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater. One extreme to another, from overuse (or misuse) of substances, (and lack of knowledge) to complete disregard of benefits of properly sourced and prepared ones. The benefits of vitamin c simply cannot be denied going way back before many people reading SS were born. Something that is also often overlooked and not spoken of is the importance of proper hydration with pure water, sunlight, and movement. Ii could tell a story here of just one incident of using C for one condition only to find that another one that had been accepted as permanent completely disappeared. I wrote about it in a comment on another substack a few months back. Often, instead of just informing those in the dark about various subjects and encouraging further research, the result is just more fear and a turning away of substances and practices that can truly improve one's health and wellbeing. Sometimes it's difficult to determine which is the true intent of the authors.

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Feb 14Author

Countrybumpkin, you are free to take your synthetic vitamins and deter people from true sustenance by taking unpoisoned whole foods on another platform. I think that it's been made abundantly clear that having symptoms is the body's way to correct a mistake and drinking something as a "cure" (which is normally poisonous) to stop the symptoms is far from a cure. The next thing you'll be telling us is that Vitamin D is safe to consume because chocolates are dangerous to dogs but not to humans. Or that water at high dosages is poisonous and that why it's ok to consume poisonous substances at small dosages because it stops your symptoms.

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One question, before I go.....

Are you saying, then, that all of the people that have been, and yet to be saved, by IV C that have pneumonia, sepsis, and other life threatening acute conditions should be left to die rather than use this so called very dangerous toxic chemical? The data is quite clear on results and it most certainly isn't just "stopping a symptom", unless you consider death a symptom.

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Feb 14Author

What substance are you talking about specifically? Ascorbic acid? And why do you pull it through to the extreme to try and make your point? Do you advocate that people who have none of these issues take this stuff on a daily basis which is the main thing I am against? (shills grifting BS products to make an extra buck)

There are hundreds of studies that's proven the beneficial effects of taking Vitamin D. Why do you not support this also?

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In short, yes I am speaking of ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate as the ascorbate salt needs to be used in any IV application.

I'm going to the extreme? What about your comment about water?

No, I do not advocate that people who have no issues take this daily and as far as I could see, ( my comments on vit c were in reference to the specific article that Dr Deborah linked to), there were no comments as to occasional specific uses having extreme benefit but rather it leaves the impression that any and all forms of these are quite harmful and to be avoided at all costs. Much more harmful, (concerning C at least), are the daily habits of people in their diets and lifestyles which create the need for these antioxidants in the first place. I know you have also spoken to these factors as well. I agree that there are far too many people pushing these products without the proper information, guidance, etc. That goes without saying and not just for supplements, as you are well aware.

Pertaining to hundreds of studies showing benefits of Vit D, that is true and is true of literally almost everything. There are also studies showing the opposite to be true. This is why "science" is of no value because, as I've stated before, there can be no true double blind studies, or studies of any kind because there are far too many variables that simply cannot be accounted for. Dr. Hoffer made this clear years ago and I concur. When one considers the differences between two "healthy" individuals, whether humans or rats or other species, it's clear that nothing can be accurately determined as per benefit or risks in a lab or other study. The proofs are in the pudding, and this is where countless results in real time, with real people and plants and animals, both historically and currently, are what matters. It's no different than when it was stated years ago that when you read about nature and observe nature, if the two don't match, throw out the book. The longer one observes closely the more can be determined, regardless of the data. When I spoke of data concerning vit C saving lives from sepsis, pneumonia, etc., I did not mean laboratory data but rather simply the number of people that personally have been in the situation, whether related by themselves, family, or their physicians. And there are many. The simple fact that ascorbic acid and it's forms is a universal anti-toxin and is incredibly important in many life threatening situations cannot be overstated. I do not rely on studies, peer reviewed papers, and the like for accurate information for multiple reasons. My concern with many articles and claims is that far too many people, being the lacksadasial thinkers they have become, latch onto the information and just swallow it whole without their own in depth research, but more importantly, experiences and observations. There are countless situations, conditions, and phenomenon that defy all "logic" and certainly all "science", yet they exist.

I do not advocate for suppression of symptoms because yes, they are a signal, and often a very urgent signal, that something(s) has gone awry and needs attention. There are, however, such as the case with my elderly mother, people in such a state that a proper detox could not possibly be safely induced to hopefully create a long term health improvement. The Vit C, (mostly a quality liposomal product, not the bandwagon stuff), showed such remarkable changes in a short time that not only she and myself were amazed but so were the hospice nurses who had never seen the response before. It's a long story but a worthwhile one for anyone in a similar situation.

As I stated, your work is valuable and appreciated and I am not denigrating that, or didn't intend to. I do take issue with the generalizations so often put out in articles and "studies" that are not fully informational and turn people away from further considerations. Also, I include in the term "supplements" all herbs, plants, and the like whether fresh, dried, extracts, tinctures, etc. Yes, there are many that as well have numerous "studies" warning of the risks and bad effects. In general, people are not very discerning and the ones that grew up with experiences and observations are quite wealthy indeed. I happen to fall into that category.

Thank you for the opportunity to clarify a bit of my perspective and I may have not been clear enough yet.

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You have completely misunderstood my point. I am not advocating people to eat or drink anything that isn't as natural as possible, nontoxic, safe and wholesome, nor to just cover up symptoms. I also do not take nor advise taking vitamin D, which isn't a vitamin at all, nor most other supplements in any form. Not sure why you have deduced what you are stating from my comments as well as my previous comments on multiple SS articles and you surely remember many of those. Your statement about water is of course ridiculous and why you would resort to that I can only guess. If you read my post a while back on a "permanent" condition that vit C resolved, unexpectedly, you would see that it wasn't just stopping a symptom. Far from it. If you want to get down to it I can assure you that I have done more in depth research and for a far longer period than you have, not to mention far more years of actual experience and observation. The fact remains that far too many papers written, technically based on "facts", cause people to turn away in fear from things that could benefit them when used correctly, instead of relying on actual experiences, observations, information from all sources, historical records, and intuition. You have no clue how for decades I've warned people about all toxins, processed foods, and even so called "organic" foods and drinks just for example. But you are correct. This is not the space I need to spend any time in even if trying to help someone such as you believe you are doing. As I've previously noted, your work and time is much appreciated.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14Author

Then clear it up countrybumpkin. It's clear that I have gone after synthetic substances that's being claimed as natural and I am confused to see you promote such things because I have always found your comments that's not Vitamin focused to be very informative and clearly you have confused me by what you've written in the comment section of my articles.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

Sorry to have not included a response to this in my other reply above.

I have to say that there is no way, to date anyway, that I have ever experienced an all natural vit C product, such as whole food products or the actual food itself, have the results in any acute or chronic health condition that ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate has. This is my experience and that of many others as well. If one has the time to improve all aspects of diet and lifestyle and perhaps also add bioenergetic practices into their lives, then yes, outside substances may indeed not ever be necessary. Yet, so many that are in dire straits do not have the organ function and time to rely on that solely.

Many don't realize that numerous deaths are from a complete lack of vit C in the body/cells. When it plummets death follows quickly.

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Hi CB,

Thanks for your post.

Following Agent131711 he clearly states that he is by no means suggesting people stop taking supplements. There are plenty of replies from people on various "vitamin" break downs on incorporating natural sourced supplementation, proper hydration, etc. as you are referring to. He totally agrees.

As you state it's a challenge most of the time to sought through and determine what is


Chew the grass and spit out the hay.

I am right there with you as far as nature benefits. Sunlight, grounding, good food and nutrients plenty of water.

Exposing the vitamin industry of the MIC (Medical Industrial Complex including Vitamin manufacturing under the same roof) is long over-due.

A few colleagues of mine , still in the pharm industry mentioned long ago that all US hospitals are now implementing deemed suicide protocols for patients (just like Canada, but worse).

In addition ,ALL the IV bags containing salts , etc. etc. are severely contaminated. Also the plastic bags. There will be "lot" determination on a patient to see who will be admin. what and who will be killed first.

But don't worry ( sarcasm)...there is always the suicide option :-(

China is out of this distribution supply chain. The baton of distribution is and has been for a while India.

I believe our hearts are all in the same place within this horrific nightmare.

Stay well!

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Thank you for the detailed reply.

I do not follow his substack and was basing my comments on the particular article noted and my further replies were specifically to address dpl's comments.

I certainly agree that the entire industry needs to be exposed for what it is and what it has and is doing. I can, as most can, relay some personal horror stories involving family members and friends. Unless it's a trauma situation I would never, ever, advise someone to go to a hospital or if they deem necessary to have more than one very knowledgeable and trusted advocate with them at all times, and that means no bathroom breaks, either. I know you know what I mean.

There are far too many misconceptions, assumptions, and misinformation sources for many people to be able to understand, especially if new to the concept.

I am still trying to open the eyes of a few family members and friends, but so far no luck. It's amazing the amount of indoctrination and cognitive dissonance in many and incredibly frustrating. But, I'm also learning, kicking and screaming inside, that people will only learn when they choose to. I was once, as you, a believer in many things, but luckily I was an early learner I suppose, comparatively, since I started in the very early 80's due to a health issue with my middle son as a baby. As hard as that was I am grateful because it opened my eyes to so many things, one at a time, over years. There was no internet so in some ways much more difficult but in others easier because of the lack of constant bombardment of outright lies, disinformation, and false prophets.

Again, thank you for the reply.

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It sure is a jungle out there.

Family...oh my! They do seem to be the most challenging.

At least, for now, we have an opportunity here on SS to share info., express our thoughts and try to help each other as best we can.

May nature guide us all!

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Thanks dpl, I concur, all these characters gave me the cold shoulder in discussion, fantastic work!

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Feb 12Author

Hi The Mick

Did you try and email them or how did you try and reach them? I normally get a block on twitter 🤣😂

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I Commented and posted publically (transparency) frequently on brighteon.com for over 3 years!

Over 100 videos and thousands of comments.

Apparently shadow banned...

Gave leads and Free insight, no responses , ever!

In fact bullshit, nada, from most of them over there and IW.

I was suckered, not afraid to admit it! Scientific approach and all that.

Waste of my time and lives of many people......not happy😔

Moving on.

Cheers for confirmation.

Cheers for substack!

Cheers to you guys 🙏

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Feb 12Liked by dpl

Thank you, dpl, I'm forever grateful for the work that you do...

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Mar 1Liked by dpl

Have you looked into Doc Malik, by any chance? I was a paid up subscriber until he exposed himself as a propagenda-ist with ulterior motives to the “peace and love” and “woe is me, I’m so smeared and censored” tosh he portrays.

Sam Bailey turned down an interview with him and referenced a video of his, so he slandered her and published a private email thread - https://open.substack.com/pub/docmalik/p/my-exchanges-with-sam-bailey-judge?r=pezuu&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

In the comments on that article, which is just a pile-on fomented by him, he suggests she is a cult leader, and says the same of Tom Cowan who I am guessing also turned him down. (We know he was in contact with Tom because in this video - https://odysee.com/Thomas_Cowan_Discuss_Jamie's_Thread_on_the_Failed_Transmission_Studies.:7bfdc387b85f33c4e76301d79ee00faa4f5d3663 - we can see Tom’s desktop and there is an email clearly from Doc Malik with characteristic phoney loveheart schtick). All the while he spouts garbage about being open-minded, interested in all opinions, seeking the truth etc.

He’s clearly a divisive figure out to defame those who question certain holy medical dogma, while feigning agreement and tolerance. A classic gatekeeper and obfuscation merchant, but in the pay of whom? I’d say big pharma but that’s too obvious. I think he may be actually be ideologically captured and money isn’t an issue: I’m leaning towards freemason, certainly a Team Globohomo player.

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Mar 1Author

Hi Brian,

I was taken aback by the Bailey rejecting the interview to be honest... Not sure why they did that.

The fact that Malik is a gatekeeper cannot be disputed at this stage. See the latest here - https://t.me/thegatekeeperclubh/813

In my view saying that people are divisive is a bit of a conversation killer. People have done that to me so many times and just because I don't give af I have found out some great info I would never have known if I have stopped for the sake of not wanting to be "divisive."

But jea... Malik is in the gatekeeperclub. I've updated it recently. He even blocked me on my previous twitter account for going after him to hard (LMFAO). Also check this - https://twitter.com/Dpl004/status/1763506928221671714?t=KK2kME-4sgFTLlVrAR2b0A&s=19

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29Liked by dpl

Excellent post. I would see Ana as taking the baton from Kingston in a sense. Once people get tired of or get wind of Kingston's shenanigans they move on to Ana, then to Sabrina, then to......it's a planned life cycle I'm sure.

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Feb 29Author

We juat need to make it obvious PM and you do that very well man. Hats off as we crack on!

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I have been taking supplements less and less. Reading more on the toxins in products in the substacks. Thank you to all who do the research. ☺️❤️👍

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Feb 14Liked by dpl

But then again, I think the no virus people are gatekeepers too. What's your religion?

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14Author

Agreed I have the same feeling about most of them. In fact, it's not a feeling. I have proof

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Feb 14Liked by dpl

Wow.. a lot to look into here. Excellent work thank you.

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Thank you for doing the Lords work! Articles like these shed light of false prophets 🙌🏾

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I would make a distinction between this nanotechnology grift and natural colloidal silver which is used in dressing burn wounds, in bandages, in hospital clothing and has been for decades. Drops of silver are put into newborns eyes to prevent infection after passing through the birth canal. Pioneers would drop a silver dollar into milk jugs to keep it fresh longer. Before the development of penicillin colloidal silver was the go-to natural antibiotic but Big Pharma squashed its use and if you google colloidal silver all of the big search engines will tell you how dangerous it is which to me is a big red flag. Any positive discussion of colloidal silver use is banned on YouTube which is another red flag imo. I have personal experience with colloidal silver and cancer treatment which I can relate in detail if anyone is interested.

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I am interested Peggy.

I am aware of the push against colloidal silver by the AMA.

Now I can see the negative trend starting against natural nano-silver.

Been researching with natural nano-silver for years.

Works very effectively for many things.

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Dr. Déborah,

Thank you for your interest in my personal experience with colloidal silver and cancer treatment. My brother has been dealing with agressive prostate cancer for 15 years ( Gleason score of 8). He had his prostate removed, radiation and hormone suppressants ever since. The doctors would occasionally take him off hormones to give him a break and his PSA would rise dramatically. In December 2022 he went off hormones and of course he experienced an increase in PSA. A CT scan revealed metastatic disease in the lymph nodes. I had read a medical journal report of a 73 year-old man on hospice after multiple chemo and radiation treatments failed to stop the progression of his head and neck cancer. Without telling his doctors he started self dosing 120 ml of colloidal silver a day. Three months later a CT scan revealed NED in his lungs, liver as well as the original site. I suggested my brother give it a try while he was waiting for his doctors to come up with a plan. Two and a half months later a CT scan was unable to see any metastatic disease. His PSA also had declined. The Fox Chase doctors sent his case to the Board for discussion without arriving at an explanation. Another scan was scheduled at a different facility and still nothing was seen.

Since I am firmly in the No Virus camp and I believe that bacteria are merely the clean up crew, I theorize that prostate cancer may be caused by an overgrowth of Candida due to any number of triggers such as chronic stress, a high sugar diet, chemical exposure, etc.

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PSA tests are a scam. Europe dropped them. Doctors can raise them manually. Go to an oncologist. He will find cancer. As a prophylactic I drink Essiac Tea and take sodium bicarbonate to balance my ph.

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Thank you for sharing this wonderful testimony of healing in reference to your brother via the internal consumption of Colloidal Silver.

May I ask if your brother is still taking the CS?

If so, is it the same brand?

How is he doing overall?

Yes, I agree with the possibility your theory.

All play a significant role dependent on our individual journey in this life !

Many Blessings!

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Dr. Déborah,

My brother is doing very well. His PSA score is 0.5 which is basically nil, only background traces from other tissues that store the antigen. He has reduced his intake of colloidal silver to a maintenance dose of a teaspoon a day which he may discontinue when he reaches his one year anniversary of NED status ( June). He chose Sliver Wings brand after much research as it is purported to contain the smallest nanoparticules : .01 to .05 microns. He feels very blessed.

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As well, anyone that doesn't think Vitamin C can and does save lives isn't paying attention. And not all Vit C is made from mold from corn and why on earth would anyone bash that if they have used penicillin? Many things are produced in one way or another from an otherwise toxic substance. Again, decades long experience and observation has shown to me and many that Vit C is crucial for life and health and is indeed a life saving substance when used in the right doses, not only for pneumoina, sepsis, all toxins, and I mean essentially ALL toxins, and more. Toxins do their damage by oxidation. Too often people are throwing out the baby with the bathwater in their passion for exposing misinformation or downright fraud. There are many, many exceptions. And for the record, I produce my own colloidal silver with a quality generator that I purchased over 14 years ago. It has made thousands of gallons of silver which allows me to use it as much as needed in all areas of life. Priceless. People can also see Klenner and Cathcarts records on using C for illness as well as Dr Becker's findings on silver, among many others. IMO no "scientific" data overrules these actual experiences.

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I, too, have extensive, long term (decades) experience using colloidal silver in all sorts of applications on all sorts of species, from people to other mammals to insects and amphibians and plants. Exceptional undeniable positive results and at times life-saving. And yes, hospitals have been using silver in burn creams and bandages among other things for a very long time. I also know the value of zeolite and clays. Just because some people push forms of these that may not be healthful and/or have other affiliations that are nefarious or suspect does not negate the safe and effective properties of these substances. Also, I do not for one minute believe that Dr. Barre Lando has no clue what he is doing. Anyone that listens to him for hours and hours on many subjects knows of his experience, dedication, honesty, motivations, and his journey through decades of medical, lab, and patient experiences as well as his own lifestyle and farming practices. Sometimes good intentions on exposing negatives is taken too far and are too generalized, IMO. At 70 yrs old I long ago learned that experience and observation trumps "science" and "experiments" and "peer reviewed" in all cases.

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I appreciate your comments and your rich experience with colloidal silver and other natural modalities. I am familiar with Dr. Becker’s work and regret that TPTB cut off his funding so he could not pursue his research.

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Wonderful !

Thanks so much for your update.

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Have any of y’all mentioned Marc Girardot as a potential gatekeeper? He has a new book out about vaccine damage. He proposes that most every illness in society is the result of vaccine injury.

I heard parts of an interview that sounded promising. Then he mentioned his belief in viruses. He also worked for a company that makes vaccines, until he didn’t. He is an MBA, not a medical guy.

The blurb to his book suggests that vaccines can be made safer. He mentions Jessica Rose and maybe Kevin McKernan(?) in an interview about the book. He has a French Canadian accent that wasn’t the easiest to understand as I listened while driving.


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Apr 5Author

Lots of red flags. Someone advocating for safe vaccines and perpetuating the virus lie is definitely not to be taken seriously

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Thanks for you prompt response:-)

This is all interesting. I am a natural skeptic and realized long long ago that Steve Bannon Tucker Carlson et al are paid shills. Family and friends still love them. Skepticism makes for a lonelier life!

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