Feb 24, 2023Liked by dpl

Dr Hamer objectively proved that ALL diseases are mediated by the psyche as it reacts to perceived life stresses. He photographed the brain as it is doing this and showed that the involved brain relays can be seen using CCT scanning. This is to say, the brain controls the activity of all tissues of the body and all fungi and all bacteria within the body. All of them and all of the time.

Symptoms (diseases, ALL diseases including the viral ones) are caused, within all living creatures, as part of an adaptive biologically significant response which is pre programmed within the brain and attempts to help the organism (us) overcome the trauma which initiated it, i.e. the emotional shock we experienced. This "disease" process is appropriate when we understand it from or within the evolutionary context from which it evolved.

It is a big subject and you are strongly advised to see his research at www.learninggnm.com

There are no hypothesis in this research and every molecule of it is objectively verified tens of thousands of times over. It is true science and there for all to see.

Relating to this article, Dr Hamers work disproves viruses by proving an entirely different cause to "viral " diseases.

Again you are advised to understand the research done be Dr Hamer. Www.learninggnm.com

Thank you.

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deletedMar 16, 2023Liked by dpl
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Jul 18, 2023Liked by dpl

Yes Lanka is able to see reality also but unfortunately so few "educated" people are.

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Great article - the deception has always started with the alleged "isolation", which is absolutely none - it is a vicious circle from which the majority of humanity will not be able to escape, since this truth is not made public to a broad public and mankind simply cannot believe that their own governments are lying, manipulating and deceiving them all to harm them to the point of death!!

Maybe someone would like to hear or read this:

The speech of John F. Kennedy


and the book: What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease is



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Great links Mary. I've read this book and I've shared this speech of JFK everywhere 😁

Thanks for the comment.

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Dr Hamers work explains what a "virus" really is. Dr Stefan Lanka has also been saying this for years. Great article, thank you and if you are interested in learning about Dr Hamers work, my husband teaches it. Contact robertjardine@yahoo.co.uk. He also has a website: Robert- Jardine.com. There is freedom in learning the truth, especially this truth.

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Feb 29Liked by dpl

I bought the “Plague” book about a year ago 🤦‍♀️ but never read it… sometimes I think my conscience and subconscience do a lot of fighting. The definition of a virus as slime says it all. Wow Mikovits had to yap and stumble on for another ten minutes after Andy destroyed her argument!

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Feb 29Author

🤣😂 that was a proper schooling!

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Feb 29Liked by dpl

I’m just catching up guys…be patient with me. Love love the Gatekeeper stuff. I get to test my discernment the past few months…it’s a work in progress.

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Feb 29Author

I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at the Mikovits debates. Those were great.

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I knew nothing about scientific/medical fraud but from Day One of covid I knew there was no virus and as soon as I heard "biolab" I knew that was controlled opposition. I knew this from understanding the False Dilemma propaganda campaign employed for 9/11 and other things I'd learnt from it and other psyops. While the scientific side overwhelms me, the psyop side is much more straightforward:

--- they TELL us underneath the propaganda the truth with things such as deliberate nonsense so when they told us a Chinese research team had found Chinese cobras and many-banded kraits to be "reservoirs" of the virus but then had a biosecurity specialist in Australia come out and called it - most undiplomatically - "Complete garbage," I knew immediately that it was a psyop

--- propaganda works better the less it corresponds with reality so in psyops you do what you want for real and fake the rest. It's all about smoke'n'mirrors not doing things for real unless wanted and I knew they didn't want a virus they only wanted us to believe in one - and i knew in any case that a real one -even if viruses existed as I believed at the time - wouldn't have worked for their narrative.

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Great work again pointing out the fraud of Virology

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Mar 11Author

It's a rough draft this but it's where I got started. Thanks man. We crack on!

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Feb 4Liked by dpl

Pure Gold!! A wealth of knowledge weaved together skillfully and cogently! Each link a rich vein of wealth in this GOLD MINE!! And I'm only on your first article. Apologies for being late to the bonanza!! I look forward to uncovering more of your nuggets!

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Feb 4Author

Welcome. If you have anything to add pls do let me know.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023Liked by dpl

Nice. The way I found you was through a FB group. I can't recall the name, something about no virus, but the admin's name was Diana Barbee, I think. She said she was working with David Crowe who I saw you listed as shill or controlled op. Her personal FB page looked sketchy and I called her out about it and linked her to the stuff about Crowe. She blocked me.

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LMFAO! Crowe is a difficult one. Some of the main No Virus chaps are mesmerized by his BS but he was a salesman (literally) that destroyed the AIDS dissident movement. More of that here: https://dpl003.substack.com/p/no-virus-a-battle-that-started-before

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Great article 🙏🏼

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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023Liked by dpl

Great article. What is your name. Can I post this in my fb page. I need your name to give credit to this article.

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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023Author

Hi Jayakumar,

You can go wild with it man. I just go by dpl and I do not have facebook. I've been thinking about getting on there again but have not had the time. Thanks for the kind words.

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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023Liked by dpl

Thank you Dpl.

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If you do share it on facebook. Please drop me a link of your post and I will be able to share it with the people I know that also have facebook.

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So my illness didn’t happen? And wasn’t followed by a shingles outbreak? Are you saying it was all imaginary?

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Jul 24Author

You mentioned you got covid. There are ZERO unique symptoms ascribed to covid.

Now you're going on about shingles. At least try and stick to the topic you brought up...

To add... there's 67 other substack articles on my substack channel. You've commented here on the 1st one I wrote not having done any of your own research.

There is no Covid disease. That's complete nonsense. With this article I've also crossed off a lot of things that people could believe is the cause of their dis-ease. Now instead of asking me why you became sick perhaps have a look at your lifestyle because in most cases that's the cause of why you become sick.

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It is just so sad to see people this detached from reality.

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Jul 25Author

What's sad is you being incapable of telling me what unique symptoms can be ascribed to covid. This should be something that's very easy seeing as you are dead set that there is such a thing.

You'll quickly realize how delusional you are once you're unable to list the unique symptoms.

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So, I’m guessing you have an alternative explanation for how I got Covid? I am. It vaccinated but when called back into the office the many vaxxed were getting Covid all around me, and I got it.

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Jul 24Author

You can't get something that does not exist.

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What happened to my post? I tried to post my comments, and it said update my profile! I did not have a profile; I just joined this site five minutes ago, now my post was not saved, Jack.

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Mar 6Author

Not sure Jack... Perhaps it was lost with a page refresh 🤷‍♂️

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In the remainder of the paragraph following your highlighted text (by Enders), does this alter in any way your understanding of his communication of warning? Personally, I would like to have highlighted the whole paragraph!

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Author

Explained in detail in the below article.


Video explanation here:


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Jan 17Liked by dpl

Thankyou for quick reply! Will read/watch ...

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Digito ancora questa parola di virus (dove in prima persona ho pubblicato un post " ABOLIRE LA PAROLA E IL SIGNIFICATO DI VIRUS COME AGENTE PATOGENO ), IO QUESTA PAROLA LA DESCRIVO IN POCHE PAROLE SEMPLICI E INTUITIVE " SCARTO O ADDIRITTURA ESCREMENTIZIO METABOLICO DI UNA CELLULA INFIAMMATA- AVVELENATA , DURANTE LA FASE DI PURIFICAZIONE E GUARIGIONE DOVE VENGONO APPUNTO ESPULSI QUESTI FRAMMENTI CHE FORMANO POI GLI "ESOSOMI ", tutto internamente al tuo sistema immunitario ,alla faccia delle bollicine esterne virali -infettive e contagiose ( questa la grande bufala della virologia= pseudo csienza )


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