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No Virus Twitter Space - Discussing DNA

No Virus Twitter Space - Discussing DNA

1 September 2023 - Talking all things No Virus

We had another great twitter space last week Friday and I’ve been meaning to upload it but it has been difficult to find the time to properly reference the post to accompany the recording. So please forgive the short post but all the good information is in the recording anyway.

We were joined by Discernment, someone with decades of experience in the lab and Jamie and Discernment had a chat about Jamie’s thread on DNA.

We were also lucky enough to have Rod Knoll join us again and a space won’t be complete without discussing the Perth group and the feats of this amazing team of people.

Rod made reference to two articles by Tam as follows:

1865 - Max Von Pettenkofer - professor of the first Institute of Hygiene,  at the University of Munich - Wiki Sanitarc.si

Some speakers as follows:

Relevant Substack articles:


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