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Germ Theory - HIV, a Missing Wake Up Opportunity... Let's go there!

Germ Theory - HIV, a Missing Wake Up Opportunity... Let's go there!

Twitter Space - 25 February 2024

We join Amy on part four of her twitter spaces. For Part four we can make the following notes:

  • Greetings up to 16:50 mins.

  • Amy gives the history of HIV up to 57 mins into the recording.

  • The conversation opens up after 57 mins with more than a few speakers.

  • Without taking too much focus away from the important discussion of HIV and its nonexistence I first want to mention the great work done by the Perth Group and Eleni as well as Anthony and Rod. See some of their work here:

  • Then I’d like to mention that we were joined by two familiar trolls (Health Uncensored and AlphaOmegaEnergy). Sometimes it is great to have these trolls on so you can see how they operate but most all of the time they distract from the core message (this is the reason I wanted to give links to the Perth Groups work before discussing the irrelevant nonsense these two came up with). Please keep in mind that I’ve known both of them for close to a year now. To this day they have not been able to show proof of transmission as requested in Virology - The Damning Evidence. Some of what happened is broken down below:

    • Health provided a link to a transmission study which only shows parts of the study and not the full paper (please keep in mind that we have been asking Health for months now to send a transmission study - [prove that a sick person can make a healthy person sick by means of natural pathways]). He admitted that he did not review the paper himself and he does not have a link to the full paper (LMFAO). More of this can be seen in the tweet here (just a correction to Amy’s statement, there was no link to the full paper. The paper sits behind a paywall).

    • AlphaOmegaEnergy came on accusing us of being insensitive to the homosexual community (his exact words were “demonize these people”. Listen for yourself - Timestamp: 02:19:20). The most incoherent BS for the entire 3-hour recording (probably because he needs to ruin the recording and had to think of something). He had me blocked on my old account and blocked me immediately after the space ended. Some of the nonsense he came up with after the space can be seen in the below screenshots:

The previous spaces include:

  • Part one is what I consider the foundational assumption of virology, which is the unproven claim of contagion (refer to Part 1 here).

  • Part two is what virologist refer to isolation but anyone who study what they do would see it’s anything but isolation (refer to Part 2 here).

  • Part three is on the topic of Germ Theory - Biolabs & the Alleged Release of Viruses (refer to Part 3 here).

Some of the regular speakers included Pablo Cervantes, and Bill Huston (Bill on Substack).

Previous Twitter Spaces:

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