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Germ Theory - Biolabs & the Alleged Release of Viruses

Germ Theory - Biolabs & the Alleged Release of Viruses

Twitter Space - 10 February 2024 (recoding starts at 1min 30secs).

We join Amy on Part three of her twitter spaces (the podcast starts at 1min 30sec mark). Part one is what I consider the foundational assumption of virology, which is the unproven claim of contagion (refer to Part 1 here). Part two is what virologist refer to isolation but anyone who study what they do would see it’s anything but isolation (refer to Part 2 here)

For Part three we were joined by some of the best people when it comes to debating the pseudoscientific trash that is virology. The speakers included Pablo Cervantes, and Bill Huston (Bill on Substack).

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