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We’re Back! Facts Over Feelings Season Two

We’re Back! Facts Over Feelings Season Two

Twitter Space - 9 March 2024

Twitter Space

Luther started up his spaces again and we were joined by some very interesting twitter accounts:

  • Courtenay gave us an update on his court case. He will be sentenced 12 March 2024.

  • Discern, Luiz, Pamela and Pablo shared their knowledge on the topic of no virus.

  • Richard Hirschman came on to talk about the clots that he has witnessed while working as an embalmer.

The majority of the space was the group talking about the impact of the virus lie. Richard tends to believe that this topic is not really important to our current time, but more than a few people tried to explain to him that the only reason we had a pandemic was because people believe in the virus lie.

We previously did a space describing the ever-repeating pandemic cycle. This seems to happen every 30-40 years and it is blatantly obvious that our long-term plan should be to hack at the root of the issue (which is the virus lie).

I take my hat off to the fight that Richard has fought over the last four years, but I would encourage him and others like him to investigate the fact that viruses has never been proven to exist. This way we can avoid leaving this fight for our children.

Related Articles

For anyone who want to investigate the fact that viruses do not exist please see some of our previous articles on the topic:

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