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Catchup with Courtenay - 31 January 2024

Catchup with Courtenay - 31 January 2024

5 Years Ago, Courtenay had Breakfast with RFK Jr

No transcript...

We catch up with Courtenay from Isle of Man (more on Courtenay here). He is one of the people I have the most respect for. He is a true warrior and has been arrested 5 time for his attempts to get the truth out. Of all the people out there, who has a following I can’t believe that Courtenay does not have millions of followers. But I guess that is the way the world works… Those who does this to be popular, for the money and who sensors the sensitive information gets all the coverage.

Below is a photo of RFK Jr at the breakfast Courtenay had with him 5 years ago.

Below is a screenshot of RFK Jr’s response to Courtenay when he was asked to address the virus lie.

Finally, we can conclude with a video of Courtenay and some of his mates standing on the street (something that they do almost on a daily basis) to bring awareness to the harms of vaccines (specifically HPV vaccines).

Consider donating to Courtenay via bitcoin on the lighting network.

Address: lnurl1dp68gurn8ghj7ampd3kx2ar0veekzar0wd5xjtnrdakj7tnhv4kxctttdehhwm30d3h82unvwqhkw6tyv3ukyat60fshyep3x59cpdtj

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